Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Unveiling Divine Purpose: Embracing Life's Challenges as Stepping Stones, Finding Worthiness in Faith, and Overcoming Adversity with Spiritual Insight

Melissa Garcia

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What if the struggles you're facing right now are not obstacles but steppingstones to a deeper spiritual purpose? Join me your sis Melis, as we unlock God's hidden messages, offering profound insights into worthiness and faith in Jesus Christ. We'll journey through a passage from Exodus, revealing the strategic nature of divine actions and the powerful signs given to Moses. This episode is a heartfelt reminder that, even in the midst of life's toughest moments, you are valued, loved, and never alone. Discover how to recognize these divine signs, and let faith guide you through uncertainty and doubt.

Additionally, I invite you to explore the themes from my book, "Why the South, Why Egypt," which delves into the necessity of enduring personal challenges—our 'down south Egypt moments'—for growth and resilience. These experiences are not just trials but transformative opportunities that bring clarity and insight. Gain the wisdom needed to overcome adversity by embracing your spiritual journey and drawing closer to Jesus. Let this episode inspire and motivate you to uncover your divine purpose amidst life's challenges. Until next time, stay blessed and inspired.

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Speaker 1:

Your sis Melissa, here. I hope y'all are having a great day in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am blessed and ready to go and I hope that you are feeling the same. But if you are not feeling that you are worthy, I want to remind you. Jesus says you are worthy, you are worth the blood that he poured out on Calvary's cross for you to inherit salvation. So for those of you who know the Lord but are struggling with something, I want to let you know that God is in the midst of your pain, of your trouble, of your sorrows, and all we have to do is pray and ask the Lord to help us with whatever it is we are facing in this day. This message, because this message is going to fill your soul, your mind, your spirit, your heart, to know and understand that God cares about you. God is the one who has ordained this moment for you to hear this message because, for such a time as this, god is calling you to come to the cross so that you can become sanctified, purified, washed in the blood of Jesus and then separated, consecrated for something amazing, something great that God wants to do in your life, and then he will use you as an instrument for his honor and his glory, so that you too can bring souls to Christ Jesus.

Speaker 1:

My book right now is out on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles, reader House websites and you can go ahead and click the link in my Facebook bio. All of my links are there. That will link you to either Barnes and Nobles, amazon or Reader House and iTunes as well, and you can go ahead and you could either download your copy, order your copy. I have paperback, there is a hardcover and there's also e-book format. So I urge you to go out and order a copy of why the South, why Egypt, because this book is filled with revelation God has given me so that I can tell the world about Jesus and tell the world of the hidden things that God has made manifest through those who take the time to seek his presence, to seek ye first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness. There is a testimony behind why the South, why Egypt, and I will share it when the Lord allows me to, but in the meantime, you can go ahead and read it for yourself in my book, again, entitled why the South, why Egypt.

Speaker 1:

In my book, again entitled why the South, why Egypt. Today I'm going to be reading from chapter 12, page 245, and I've entitled this A Hidden Message from God to His People, revealed to Moses for Such a Time as this. This is found in Exodus, chapter 4, verses 1 through 8. So the Lord said to him your hand and take it by the tail. And he reached out his hand and caught it and it became a rod in his hand that they may believe that the Lord, god of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you. Furthermore, the Lord said to him Now put your hand in your bosom. And he put his hand in his bosom and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous like snow. And he said Put your hand in your bosom again. And he drew it out of his bosom and, behold, it was restored like his other flesh. Then it will be, if they do not believe you nor heed the message of the first sign, that they may believe the message of the latter sign. So then it will be if they do not believe you nor heed the message of the first sign, they may believe the message of the latter sign.

Speaker 1:

Everywhere we go in this life, there are signs all around leading and directing us on where to go, where not to go, when to stop, when to slow down. When we take notice of these signs, we do one of two things we either obey them or disobey them. One thing is for sure we cannot avoid them in any way. Behind every sign there is a message. Here we see Moses talking with God, and God is now really zooming in on Moses' assignment by giving him signs and the hidden message behind the signs given.

Speaker 1:

I read this chapter many times before, but it was not until I started scrutinizing the word of God that suddenly God spoke to me. He said listen to what my word is saying and find the hidden meaning behind the context of this chapter. It was like a light bulb lit up in my brain and I began to understand that these two signs that God gave to Moses at Mount Horeb were not just two ordinary signs God chose to use, but God purposely used these two signs to demonstrate something that goes far beyond our comprehending mindsets. The more we spend time with God, the more we will come to know that God is very strategic in what he establishes, and when he establishes something, it always serves with meaning. God has given each one of us something to grab hold of, something that we can all use when we have doubts, are stressed and when we feel fearful, and that is the word of God. It is not only breathing, but is the living proof of God's very existence. When we go out into the world to speak about Jesus and what Jesus has done for us, we do not go with our own words or on our own strength, but with the word of God and the strength of his spirit. Unfortunately, we also have an enemy who, every time an assignment is given to us, he rises up to try to make us feel inadequate or unqualified. The great news is that God already knows how we will react to certain situations, and for that reason, god does not relent in getting his point across.

Speaker 1:

By this point, moses knew that God had chosen him to go back to Egypt and proclaim liberty to the captives there. Liberty to the captives there. Although Moses was not physically in Egypt just yet, he, being a Hebrew, was subjected to the same captivity because of the simple fact that Moses going back to Egypt would not have been to finish his earthly reign as the prince of Egypt, but to be a part of something greater, such as leading and interceding for his people until he would eventually lead them out of captivity and into victory. For Moses, in the beginning it was hard to accept this concept, and so Moses tells God suppose, when I go and tell them all that you have said to me, they say the Lord has not sent you. I'm power freezing, and this is our heavenly father's response to Moses what is in your hand? God is asking us the very same question what is in our hand? What is it that we are holding, and is what we are holding for just our benefit or is it for the benefit of others? Sometimes we are holding something that we think is of value when in fact it's the very thing that is not allowing us to go forth until we drop it and let God use it for his benefit and for the benefit of others. God has given us a word that he wants us to release and allow his presence to make it come to pass. When God tells us to release to him what we are holding, it is never to harm us, but to open our spiritual eyes to see that God is the God of the supernatural.

Speaker 1:

As Moses dropped the rock, we find the rod changed into a serpent, the first thing that Moses did, according to the word of God, was flee from it. Here we find a picture of a serpent on its belly and Moses fleeing from it. This is none other than a picture of Adam and the serpent, for those who know the story of Adam and Eve in the garden know that Eve was the first one to bite the fruit, and then she gave it to her husband. While all this is true, we also must remember that after Adam bit the fruit, he and Eve fled. This is the natural thing for humans to do after they realize that they are in the line of danger, and this is exactly what Moses did when he saw the rock changing into a serpent. This is our human nature, but God wanted to show Moses and the readers a whole new way to overcome our natural human nature and fix our eyes on what is true, and that is, we can stand our ground and not run and hide when we are up against a serpent that is already defeated by Christ.

Speaker 1:

God tells Moses to reach out his hand and take the serpent by its tail, and when Moses did, it became a rod once again. One thing God wants us to fully understand is that when God's presence is manifest. Whatever we think is out to harm us with God's command we think is out to harm us with God's command, we have the power to bring it back to his powerless state of mind. Just like Adam, moses too was never meant to flee from the serpent, but confront the serpent. As you noticed, god didn't tell Moses to speak to the serpent, but to take the serpent by its tail. In other words, let the serpent know who's boss. I think this is where the phrase action speaks louder than words comes into play. We need to become a generation that won't flee from our temptations, but confront our temptations.

Speaker 1:

As we continue reading chapter 4, verse 6, god gives Moses another sign, which in turn portrayed another message, which in turn portrayed another message. Well, right now I am going to leave it there, so that you can go ahead and order your copy of why the South, why Egypt? This book has blessed many, many people already, and I want you to be a part of the many people that it has blessed, so that you can testify and say God has given me an understanding of why it is necessary for us, when God calls us, to not question God but to ask the Lord to help in every situation, because let's be real and let's face it when God calls us to do something, because our God is a massive God, the calling on our lives are massive. And if the calling on our lives are massive, then that means that the attacks from the enemy are going to be greater. But he who lives within us is greater than he who is in the world, because he who is in the world has already been defeated by Jesus Christ when Jesus triumphed and gave us victory through his crucifixion and resurrection on the cross.

Speaker 1:

So I urge you today, go out and grab a copy of why the South, why Egypt, and get a much clearer picture of why it's necessary for you and I to endure our down south Egypt moments. Well, this is your sis, melissa. I hope this has blessed you and until the next time I will catch you later, be blessed, bye, bye.