Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Deep Waters of Faith Unveiling God's Miraculous Power

Melissa Garcia

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Embark on an enlightening spiritual journey with me, your sis Melis and learn how we by standing firm in our faith amidst trials, can lead to a brighter destiny? Discover the profound lessons from the story of Jesus and Simon Peter in the Book of Luke, where casting your nets in faith can unlock extraordinary miracles and divine timing. This podcast episode will enrich your understanding of perseverance and resilience, encouraging you to embrace God's vision that transcends your current circumstances.

Join me in this heartfelt message of God's word as we dive deep into the strength found in unwavering faith, even when the path feels heavy and burdensome. By choosing to rise and stand firm in Christ, we ignite a chain reaction of blessings ordained by God. Together, we can witness the miraculous works of faith, drawing support and abundance from all directions. May this message resonate with you and inspire a profound spiritual awakening, as I pray for strength, hope, and the blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ to fill your journey.

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Speaker 1:

Many blessings to everyone who is hearing this podcast, whether you have heard podcasts from me in the past or you are just beginning to hear these podcasts or you're just tuning in right now. I want to let everyone know that my book why the South, why Egypt, has already been launched. For over six to seven months already, people's lives are being touched by knowing why the South, why Egypt and why it's necessary. Metaphorically speaking, we need to go to these places in order for God to bring us back up with more than what we came in with. And even in Egypt, we will encounter so many sorrowful moments, but we will also encounter those glorious moments that outweigh anything that we could ever go through in this life, anything that we could ever go through in this life, and so I want to encourage someone today, with the word of God, to know and understand that, yes, you may feel weary. Yes, you may be tired. Yes, you feel like there's no hope. Yes, you may feel like this is it for you. Yes, you may even feel like sometimes, you're getting into one problem and coming out of that problem only to enter into another one. But I have the best news for you and for myself, because the word of God must minister to me first in order for me to be a minister and a steward of the word of God. Come on now, somebody. I need you to know and understand that the darker it gets in your life, the brighter your destiny will become, because you need to testify to how dark it's been and how, in that dark season, dark it's been and how, in that dark season, god says that there has birthed a great light. And you have seen that great light, and his name is Jesus Christ. Come on now, somebody. So, no matter what our flesh encounters in this life, our spirit is being built up every single day for the coming of the Lord, jesus Christ, which is why we don't build our flesh upon the solid foundation. Come on now, somebody. We build our spirits upon the solid foundation who is Christ Jesus. We allow our soul to be in tune with heaven, with God, with Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, so that in the end, no matter what comes our way, we can come to the word. We can come to the word, we can connect with the word and we can, begin by the wisdom and by the knowledge of God, understand why it is necessary for us to have to travel through a place called Egypt. But I'm not going to talk about my book today. That is going to be on another day, on another occasion. Today I want to encourage someone and let someone out there know that it seems like you've been out there for too long, but I tell you now, in the name of Jesus, that your time has come for you to let your net down. And I'm going to give you the reason why Jesus says it is time to let your net down because God is about to do. The extraordinary miracle that you've been waiting for in your life is getting ready to take place.

Speaker 1:

In the book of Luke, chapter five, it says here so it was as the multitude pressed about him to hear the word of God that he stood by the lake of Gennesaret and saw two boats standing by the lake, but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets. Then he got into one of the boats, which was Simon's, and asked him to put out a little from the land, and he sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat. When he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon remember that. When he stopped speaking, he said to Simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. But Simon answered and said to him Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net, I will let down the net. And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their net was breaking. So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boat so that they began to sink.

Speaker 1:

When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees saying Depart from me, for I am a sinful man. O Lord, remember this, depart from me, for I am a sinful man. O Lord, holy Spirit, right now, I pray that the other person who is hearing this message will receive this message by faith, because, lord, it is by faith that we obtain and we receive what you have already predestined for us to inherit. So, father, god, right now, I just declare Lord, right now, that those who are hearing this message, their spiritual ears will be open, connected and in tune with heaven, so that they can not only receive the word but allow that word to be planted within them, because it is you who allows that seed to break and to grow and to flourish. So, father, god, I pray right now in the mighty name of Jesus for you to have your way in this podcast. I pray this in the name of Jesus Amen and amen. Wow, wow, wow.

Speaker 1:

When the Lord gave me this message, it hit so hard that God told me somebody out there needs to know, and guess, what God already knows. It's you that needs to hear this message. And, as the Lord gave me this message and it's pretty funny sometimes when God gives us a message that's totally contrary to what we are living and that's what God does, because God is in the future God already sees the finished work. So when we are receiving the word in our circumstance, contrary to what we're living, god already sees the manifestation and he already sees the result of what he has already done in our lives to allow that miracle to come to pass. Come on now, somebody, you got to grasp this. So it says here that the multitude pressed about him, meaning Jesus, because they wanted to hear the word of God.

Speaker 1:

And so the Lord stood at the lake of Gennesaret, okay, and the Bible says that he saw two boats standing by the lake, but the fishermen had gone from them, so they were not at the boat. They were washing their nets. Come on now, somebody Right here. We need to understand this. They were washing the very thing that was about to become the instrument that would Catch the harvest. Come on, you got to grasp that, let's go? Hallelujah. And so, while they were washing their nets, they were not even aware of the fact that they were washing something that was about to go into the deep. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

And so, as they were washing their mats, then he, meaning Jesus, got into the boat and he spoke to Simon Peter. He spoke to Simon Peter, he was speaking to the multitude, but then he pinpointed Simon Peter, and you want to know what he said Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. Simon Peter and those with him had no idea that, by them, washing the net is like a sanctification, a purification that was taking place, because before we can go into the deep, before we can have that profound encounter with the Lord, we need to be washed in the blood of Jesus Christ. Come on now, somebody, you've got to capture this. But wait one moment. When Jesus Christ spoke to Simon Peter, simon Peter says to the master but we have toiled all night and have caught nothing. Nevertheless, at your word, come on now somebody.

Speaker 1:

The Word of God is specific and down to the point and has a period when Jesus says launch out into the deep. He is letting us know that I'm not sending you to the deep for nothing. I'm not sending you out to the deep because I want you to drown. I'm not sending you out to the deep because I want you to drown. I'm not sending you out to the deep because I want you to perish. I'm sending you out into the deep because there's something that you need to let go of, because there's something that I'm about to do that you have tried to do for hours. I'm going to do it in an instant.

Speaker 1:

And so Peter tries to contend with Jesus. But then he realizes and says but at your command, I, I, I Do you see that? Do you notice that? Not we, but I, meaning Simon Peter, took a stand. How many of us are willing, in the midst of the multitudes, come on now, are willing to take a stand I can feel the Holy Spirit now are willing to take a stand in the midst of multitudes and say to Jesus us stand in the midst of multitudes and say to jesus uh, we have toiled all night, but I will let down the net at your word, at your command, hallelujah, and when they had done this. Because when you say I'm gonna rise up for the cause of of Jesus, jesus will always put people that will help you and back you up and will go into the deep with you. But then you'll have those who are in the sideline, that are in another boat, waiting, watching to see if what Jesus said would come to pass. Come on, now, somebody would come to pass. Come on now, somebody. And so, when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish. Come on now, somebody. And their nets were breaking.

Speaker 1:

When that person and that person is you and I when we choose to say you know what, I'm so tired, I can't do this anymore. You want me to go out and do the same thing I've been doing over and over and over again, with no results, and you want me to go, and Jesus says yes, because you have no idea, I have no idea, no idea, I have no idea. But the more that we purify ourselves, the more that we sanctify everything that is around us and the things that we will be using for the honor and glory of our Lord and Savior, jesus Christ. God will use the same thing, but this time you have sanctified it. And God says because you have sanctified it and have dedicated hallelujah, your all to doing something that has not given you results, I'm showing up now on the scene and I'm going to show you that when you purify and sanctify the very thing I'm going to use, I will cause it to multiply. Come on now, somebody. Hallelujah. This is not emotions, this is the Holy Spirit flowing through. Hallelujah. Every single person who speaks the word of God, who receives the word of God, who lives out the word of God, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

And so, because Peter stood up and said I will let the net down, those around him came nets with him, but those who were in the surrounding area in the boat came because there was a breakthrough. You see, when God brings about a breakthrough, it's not just for one of his children. Breakthrough comes for those whom have been helping, those whom have stood by their side, whom have been helping, those whom have stood by their side, those whom God has aligned for them to be the ones to receive the breakthrough, with the one who stood up and took that stand and said I will go. I will be the vessel for God, I will be the instrument that God wants me to be, so that, when I let down, I will be the instrument that God wants me to be, so that, when I let down, hallelujah, everything that I know that I can't do on my own strength. I know that God is going to put man in my way. God is going to put women in my path. God is going to put the necessary things that I need so that, when the breakthrough occurs, I need, so that, when the breakthrough occurs, breakthrough is not just for one, but is for all who believes in the name of Jesus, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

The last and final thing that Peter recognized is that he was a sinner and that he did not deserve the massive breakthrough that took place, deserve the massive breakthrough that took place. Peter could have said wow, we've been toiling all night and now we receive what it is that we've been waiting for. No, no, no, no, no. Peter realized and recognized he was in the midst of the Savior, the Messiah, jesus Christ, and he realized just how holy Jesus is, was and will always be, and he declared himself to depart from me because I am a sinner, meaning I don't deserve what just happened right now. Oh, hallelujah, that was a form of humility. Oh, that's another message to preach at another time.

Speaker 1:

I'm here to let someone know that God sees everything that you have been facing, that you and I have been going through, and he says the season of harvest has come, but not just for you, for your family. Hallelujah. Not just for you for your family. Hallelujah For those who are around you praying over you. They were being faithful towards you. Hallelujah, they are going to see a harvest.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, because you chose to take a stand and say you know what I'm tired, my flesh is weary, but my spirit is always willing to go that extra mile, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Well, I hope this message has blessed your mind, your heart, your soul, your spirit, and I pray that you pass this message on, because somebody needs to hear that God is about to show up on the scene and he is about to do the impossible in your life. When you choose to take that stand and rise up and say I, even though I'm weary, I will let my net down in Jesus name, and everyone around you will become blessed because you chose to take that stand. Be the first to take that stand in Christ Jesus and see the hand of the Lord work in your life and in those around you, and it will be like wildfire and you'll have people that will come from different directions, that God will send to help carry the weight of the harvest that's coming your way. Well, this is your sis Valiz. Until the next time I will catch you later, be blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ. Bye-bye for now.