Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Embracing the Lessons of Adversity: Understanding 'Why the South? Why Egypt?', Celebrating Spiritual Growth, and Connecting through New Digital Horizons

Melissa Garcia

Embarking on a journey through the written word, I've discovered a profound truth: our most harrowing challenges can be our greatest teachers. As I reflect on the process of writing "Why the South? Why Egypt?", I invite you to explore with me how these 'down south Egypt moments' not only shaped the narrative of my book but also became a testament to the power of divine intervention in overcoming adversity. This episode is a heartfelt discussion about personal growth through trials and the lessons of faith that are woven into the very fabric of our lives. Together, we'll consider how the struggles you're facing might just be preparing you for a divine destiny, and how embracing this notion can ready your spirit for the revival promised by God.

Meanwhile, the landscape of our digital connection is expanding; I'm thrilled to share with you (in the near future) the launch of my new Facebook page, a platform designed to bring us closer to our beloved community of listeners and readers. This space will serve as a beacon of encouragement, where we'll continue to spread messages of resilience and the relentless pursuit of God's kingdom. As your guide and Sis Meliss, I leave you with an invitation to stay steadfast on your spiritual journey, reminding you that with faith as your compass, the path ahead is filled with potential and hope. Join me for an episode that promises to nourish your soul and equip you with insights for the journey ahead.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. It is me, your sis, melissa, and I wanted to make this video to let you know all about why the South, why Egypt? And I am super excited because this book has transformed my life. And, even though I'm the author of this book, this book ministered to me in so many ways because it wasn't me, it was the Holy Spirit leading and guiding me every step of the way.

Speaker 1:

But I will tell you this I had to go through my own down south Egypt moments while writing this book, and everything that I went through is in the book. And I get to share my testimony with the world, which is so big for me, because everything that's in this book happened, but God. But God, he gave me the victory, and if he did it for me, he wants to do it for you as well. And so this book is going to not only inspire you and encourage you, it is going to give you a different perspective on your down south Egypt moments. That enables us to become processed and in the end, we will turn around and say I am thankful that God had to refine me, reform me and reconstruct me in order to live out my greatest destiny that God has already ordained even before we were in our mother's womb. I want to encourage you and let you know that God sees you where you are, and the only way you and I are going to overcome our down south Egypt moments is trusting in the will of God for our lives. Because God knows everything he is in the past, present and future, and because God knows everything that we're going to face, he lets us know that he's going to be there with us. Whether we are in the valley he prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies, or whether we are on the mountaintop and we are at our greatest moment, at the peak, god is with us. He's with us to help us and motivate us through His Word, and he's also there to comfort us when we do have to go through our down south Egypt moments. I want to let you know that.

Speaker 1:

Why the south? Why Egypt? I have it here on the Amazon website and I want to let you know something. So, so cool is that, if you decide, I'm a paperback girl, so I love to sit with my, with my coffee, I love to read, I love to take notes and I love to put bookmarks and just put some footnotes in the book while I'm reading it, so that I will remember when the Lord gives me revelation, I can write it down and later on I come back to it and I'm like, wow, that wasn't just a revelation, that was a prophecy. And it came to pass and I didn't realize it until I came back to my footnotes and I wrote it down and we marked the date and God blows our minds away and this is what I do. So I am a paperback girl.

Speaker 1:

But if you like ebooks which some people do, some people like it on their tablet, their computer, even their phone I want to let you know that the cool thing is that on Amazon, if you purchase it through an ebook, you get these benefits and you get the benefits of doing the same thing that you would normally do on a paperback, but just writing it yourself. Or you can go on the ebook and make your own sticky notes so you can literally go in when to purchase the ebook. You instantly get it and it gives you sticky notes that you can put on the side. It also gives you it flips the page, obviously, when you need to flip the page, and you can have WordWise and that helps you to read harder books by explaining the most challenging words in the book. So if there's something in there that you don't understand, you have the opportunity to click and it will give you a more layman's term on what that specific word means. So that's pretty cool too. And we have enhanced type setting. Okay, enhanced type setting. Its improvements it offers faster reading with less eye strain and beautiful page layouts, even at a larger font. So for those who wear glasses or those who they can't be too close to the screen, you can manipulate the fonts of the words on the page. So that's pretty cool. And, yeah, like you get all those benefits when you download the ebook or if you choose to get a paperback. But either way, either way, the point that I want to make here is that I really encourage you to purchase.

Speaker 1:

Why the South? Why Egypt? Because there's so much going on in the world, there's so much darkness in the world and there's so much things that are going around that make us feel anxious at times, we get filled with worry at times, we become discouraged at times. And I want you to read why the South? Why Egypt? Because, just like we get anxiety and we get doubtful and we worry these people that are mentioned in the Bible as well. They were the same people like us. They got worried, they had fear, they put, they overcame it and they overcame every obstacle in their lives because Jesus was there with them. God was there with them. The Holy Spirit, he is with us and he wants to show us that, in the midst of our down south Egypt moment, he can still bless us beyond measure, he can still strengthen us beyond measure and he can still give us the victory beyond measure. So I want to encourage you. It's not just my testimony. There is revelation that God has given me from the Scriptures. From scrutinizing the Scriptures, god downloaded in my spirit so much revelation in what is happening now, to what is going to happen in the future and how God is about to bring a huge revival. A huge revival is going to strike the nations and we have to be ready to receive it. And that's where why the South? Why Egypt?

Speaker 1:

You wonder why you've been going through so much in your life. It's because you're about to experience the greatest destiny that God has for you. And in the end, just like myself, I say God, if I had to do it all over again? I would, because now I know why I had to go through the fire, why I had to go through high waters, why I had to go through what I went through in the attacks and physically being attacked. The enemy physically attacked me. I've had 11 operations and in the operations that I've had, some of them I was near death and in one instance I died three times and the Lord three times resuscitated me. I woke up in ICU and just being able to breathe, even though I had the tubes in my throat I had three of them but I knew God did something in that moment. I wasn't completely healed, but I know that God gave me breath to still keep on breathing until I finished this book.

Speaker 1:

And God is amazing. And when God has a plan for your life, there's nothing the enemy can do. He can certainly try, he can certainly try to come and distort and he can try to derail us from the purpose of God. But the truth is that if God is for us, who could be against us? We take that verse so lightly and that verse is so powerful. That verse says if God is for us, who can be against us? If God has ordained your steps, then who can derail you from God's purpose. Listen, not even you can derail you from God's will, because when God has a purpose for you, you're not leaving this earth until that purpose is fulfilled, until God says it's done, you're still here, you still have great moments to fulfill in your life and I want to encourage you right now and let you know that God is with you and God sees you. And I always say it, I always say it your darkest season today is going to turn around and become your brightest future for tomorrow. So keep on believing God.

Speaker 1:

And if you don't know who God is and you don't know who Jesus is, I encourage you all the more to read why the South? Why Egypt? Because this book is going to cause you to reflect on what the truth is, and the truth is the truth. It's not a truth, it's the truth. And I'm choosing every day of my life and my family. We choose to stand on the truth of God's Word. So I pray this has blessed you. Like I said, you can go ahead and purchase why the South? Why Egypt? On Amazon, also on Barnes and Nobles.

Speaker 1:

You can go to Reader House, and I'm excited because I am, you know, living the will of God for my life. I thought it was over. I thought I was never gonna do anything. I felt like the outcast. I felt like I was never going to accomplish anything. But God, everything is but God. He's so great, he's so good, and if you want to connect with me, you can always look me up.

Speaker 1:

I am on Facebook. You can look me up, you can go to Messenger and message me. If you have any questions regarding the book, I'm here to help you, I'm here to guide you and by the will of God by the will of God, because if there's something I can't answer, I will not answer for you. It has to be according to the will of God, and the Holy Spirit must give me His wisdom and knowledge in order for me to help others. So, yeah, if you want to, you can go ahead and message me.

Speaker 1:

I do have a TikTok page. I have an Instagram page. I will. I am gonna have also a new Facebook page, strictly for the author's Facebook, and there I will send the link also to my other Facebook page so you can log on. I will keep you posted and I'm just excited for this new season because God is good and His mercy and His grace lives on and we just have to get up, shake it off and keep seeking the kingdom of God. Seek he first, the kingdom of God and all His righteousness and everything else will come thereafter. Well, it's me, your Sismalist I'm checking out. Bye, bye for today. Be blessed in the Lord.