Melissa Garcia's Podcast

From the Pit to the Palace: Discovering Hope and Resilience, rising with renewed purpose.

Melissa Garcia
Have you ever felt like life has pushed you into a deep pit with no way out? God has placed me here to lift your spirits with an empowerment from the Holy Spirit with resilience and hope that is sure to resonate with your soul. Join me as we navigate in finding the strength to rise above adversity. This podcast episode isn't just a recount of a biblical event; it's an empowering rally cry for anyone seeking spiritual renewal or a jolt of divine inspiration. Together, we'll explore how, even in our darkest moments, transformation and freedom through Jesus is within reach.

my heartfelt prayer and message are a beacon of light in these challenging times, offering encouragement to all who hear the message of the Lord. As we dissect Joseph's journey, from the pit to the palace, we'll discover how to emerge from our own struggles with renewed purpose and unwavering faith. Stand firm in the face of trials and claim the victory that Jesus has secured for us. I encourage you to come and be filled with the joy of the Lord and let this message guide you toward a future brimming with promise.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, it is me, sis Melissa, and I am back. Yes, I am finally back with another message from the Lord. I am so happy to be back. I have been out for a moment, but I've not been down and destroyed, because the victory belongs to Jesus and he has given us the victory. Then, no matter where we find ourselves, we can always count on God to either lift us up, pull us out or see us through to the other side. It is 10 am, january 19, 2024. And you guessed it.

Speaker 1:

The message that I am going to bring is a message of hope. Woo, jesus, I feel the Holy Spirit here and I believe that there are some people, when you hear this podcast, you are going to be filled with the joy of the Lord to know that God has not forgotten about you. God has a plan for your life and he is saying today you need to get up, get up, get up and get up out of that grave. Hallelujah. Today's message is found in Genesis 37, verse 25 through 28. But before I read these verses, let us pray and ask the Lord to lead and to guide us this morning. Heavenly Father, I come to you in this moment and I give you all the honor and the glory. I thank you, jesus, for what you have done, for what you are doing and what you are going to do in the near future. Father God, I pray that those who hear this podcast, that you touch their lives, transform their lives, restore their lives, cause them to become new creatures in Christ Jesus. Through what you have done on Calvary's Cross, jesus, I pray that they open their hearts and receive you, jesus, as their personal Lord and Savior. Oh, because you've done it all. There is nothing, hallelujah, that you did not do to save us from our sins. And so, father, I declare in this day, many souls will be saved by the grace of God and through the blood of Jesus, there will be redemption and many will come to know your name. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen and amen. Yes, can you just declare that I am free? Yes, I am free. I am free. Yes, you too can become free when you receive Jesus into your heart, making him Lord and Savior. But before that, you must confess your sins to the Lord, because he's the only one that can set us free from our sins. Let us get into the message. The message comes from Genesis 37, 25 through 28.

Speaker 1:

And they sat down to eat a meal. Then they lifted their eyes and looked and there was a company of Ishmaelite coming from Gilead with their camels bearing spices, balm and myrrh, on their way to carry them down to Egypt. So Judah said to his brothers what profit is there if we kill our brother and conceal his blood? Come, let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, and let not our hand be upon him, for he is our brother and our flesh. And his brothers listened. The Midian night traders passed by, saw the brothers hold Joseph up and lifted him out of the pit and sold him to the Ishmaelites for 20 shekels of silver. And they took Joseph to Egypt. As Joseph was probably crying and begging them to take him out, they were all sitting and eating.

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Isn't that just like the enemy To count his victory even before he has won, which in reality he's already lost, because we have already become more than conquerors through Christ Jesus, who has to feed a Satan at the cross? And so I want to bring you a message today. I want you to understand something that God is saying to us that it's time to get out of that pit. It's time to get out of that grave. I don't know who put you there, I don't know how you got there, I don't know what was said about you to cause you to go into that pit. But I want you to understand something that God saw it, god sees it and God is about to bring you to a place where you may think you are going to become enslaved, but the reality is in. Egypt is where God is going to accomplish his mission through you, and even those who pushed you into the pit are going to see God's hand move and you are going to rise up and you, in the near future, are going to become prosperous and God is going to do a work in and through you.

Speaker 1:

But it's not so that we stay with the blessing. It's so that when hard times come, when those times where we feel like giving up and those around you who may have pushed you into the pit are going through a tough time, you can come back to them and say I will not retaliate what you have done to me, but I'm going to rise up in the love of Christ and I'm going to give you a helping hand, because that's what Jesus would do. Oh, hallelujah, I feel from the Holy Spirit that there are many that are going to get up, get up, get up. They are going to get up out of that grave. God has a plan for your life. You need to understand that. As God has called you, he is going to equip you. You're not just called by Him, you are chosen by Him.

Speaker 1:

Joseph was chosen by God and he was called to go to Egypt, but he was chosen by God to manifest the talent and the gifts that God had already deposited within Joseph. You see, when Joseph went into the pit, so did the talents and gifts. When Joseph made his way to Egypt, so did the talents and gifts. When Joseph was in the prison, so was his talents and gifts. Come on now, somebody.

Speaker 1:

I need you to know that God is saying today get up out of that grave. I pray. This has blessed you. You keep hope alive, keep believing, and if you have not received Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, I urge you right now to say this prayer and you will have inheritance to the kingdom of God, and this will be your moment to get out of the grave, this will be your moment to get up out of the pit. So just repeat after me Say Jesus, I come to you in this very moment and I repent of my sins. I know that I have sinned against you and only against you. I need your forgiveness. I need you to cleanse me. I turn from my sins and I make you Lord and Savior over my life. From here on out, I believe you died for me on Calvary's cross and I take myself off of the throne of my heart and I allow you to sit on the throne of my heart to rule and reign over my life. I give you my life right now and from this day forward I will follow you and I believe that my name is written in the Lamb's book of life, that when I take my last breath I will see you face to face, and I believe this by faith In Jesus, mighty name. I pray amen.

Speaker 1:

If you said that prayer right now, welcome to the family of God. We welcome you with open arms. There is a celebration in heaven on your behalf and I urge you to continue seeking the Lord. In the gospels of Matthew, mark, luke and John, you will get a wider view of who Jesus is and what Jesus has done for us while he was here on this earth and what he still has to offer because he sits at the right hand of our Father, interceding for us every single day. Welcome again to the family of God. We are so happy and excited.

Speaker 1:

If you want to check out more of what I do, you can always go to my Facebook page. You can go onto my links and you can go ahead and tap on them and you will receive everything that my links have to offer. The Word of God is very important and I pray that you continue seeking the face of God, because the Bible does say Seek ye first. The kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto thee. Well, I want to throw out real quickly my book. Why the South, why Egypt, is finally done. The press release, the official press release, will be in about a week and I will keep you posted. I'm so thrilled because I get the immense privilege by God Himself to teach those how to overcome your darkest moments in this life. And in order to do great in the kingdom of God, you must be prepared to face your darkest moments here on earth and learn how to serve, because the greatest servants know how to serve. Well, until the next time, bye, bye, for today.