Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Unshaken faith in the midst of life's turmoil: Embracing God's Unwavering Faithfulness, Understanding His Promises, and Boldly Declaring "It is Well with My Soul

Melissa Garcia

Ever wondered what it means to declare "it is well with my soul" in the face of life's toughest storms? Sister Melissa will speak to us today to illuminate this profound declaration. She shares her insights about God's unconditional love for us, His promises, and His faithfulness, all aimed at inspiring hope and faith in our hearts. As we navigate the tumultuous waves of life, the heartfelt message from the Holy Spirit reminds us that God is our anchor, constantly fighting for us, and His promise never to leave us is resolute.

In the second segment, Sister Melissa further explores the faithfulness of God. She affirms that despite our circumstances, God is relentlessly at work in our lives. Building our trust in Jesus, she highlights His promises and the comfort derived from knowing that He blesses us beyond measure. Her words inspire us to find strength in our weaknesses and to keep pursuing Jesus, no matter what. A powerful prayer for peace and healing wraps up this enlightening discussion, leaving us with a renewed sense of hope and faith. Join us for this uplifting episode and let the peace of God fill your hearts as you boldly declare "it is well with my soul.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, sister Melissa, here I'm back with another message, a message from God, a message to give you hope, a message to encourage you, to let you know that, even though things may occur in our lives that we can't explain or that don't make sense, but as we declare it is well with my soul, we will have the courage to stand on any storm that comes. We will have the courage to stand in our desert seasons because the one who sustains us has already ordained our steps. Yes, and his name is Jesus. He loves us unconditionally and he has a plan for our lives. But even though we must face hard times, it is not a setback but a setup from God to launch you into the next season. Do you know that every season before the season that comes prepares the season for the coming season to come? It's not complex at all. There is a work that is being done in and through you that you cannot see, but it's not for you to see. It's for us to trust in the Lord that, no matter what we face in this life, it will not stop us from getting to where God wants us to be. And whatever the enemy tries to do to derail us from God, the Bible says there is no depth nor height that can take us away from the love of God. God loves us so much that he is the one who says you think that your blessings are being delayed or they're denied, but the truth of the matter is I know the appointed time that that blessing is going to fall on your lap and you are going to cry tears of joy instead of tears of mourning, because I, the Lord, am with you wherever you go. Only I need you to be of great courage in me so that when these things do occur and these things do happen you can declare it is well with my soul. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Today, november 7, 2023, 10 am, the Word of God comes from Psalm 63, beginning with verse 6. When I remember you on my bed, I meditated on you in the night watches, because you have been my help. Therefore, in the shadow of your wings, I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind you. Your right hand upholds me, but those who seek my life to destroy it shall go into the lower parts of the earth. They shall fall by the sword. They shall be a portion for jackals, but the king shall rejoice in God. Everyone who swears by him shall glory, but the mouth of those who speak lies shall be stopped, hallelujah.

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Lord Jesus, I come to you in this very moment and I thank you because, no matter what I face, you never give up on me. No matter what your children face, you never give up on us, because you have a greater plan for our lives and, even though we must feel, in the physical realm, pain, we must feel wounded at times, we must feel like we are out for the count, but the truth of the matter is that you are giving us strength every single day. When our eyes open in the morning, when you allow us to rise up from our bed, it is you giving us the strength when we say, god, I can't anymore. There is a strength and there is a peace that surpasses all understanding and only comes from you, father. So I pray in this moment, right now, that you bless someone who's hearing this podcast with your peace that surpasses all understanding. They could be going through cancer, father. They could be going through an eternally ill disease right now, but, lord, let them see your hand working in and through them. Hallelujah, they declare healing to flow through their body right now. But, most of all, I declare, in the name of Jesus, that the person hearing on the other side of this podcast begins to declare it is well with my soul Because the reality is it will be well with your soul. It is well with your soul because God has not let you go and he has no intentions of letting you go. I pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen and amen, hallelujah.

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The Lord Jesus Christ is with us. He loves us. He never, ever, ever, goes away from us, because the more we draw into him and the more we press into him, the more we will seek him, the more we will find him, and the more we find him and the more we seek him, the more we will fall in love with him, because he promises to fight our battles for us. I had a night where I was in the bed meditating on the word of God and I couldn't sleep, and I began to just ponder on the word of God and meditate on the word of God and I just began to say no, god, you will give me sleep. God, you will give me rest Because, lord, in you there is peace, there is rest for my soul and it is well with my soul. And God fulfilled his promise because through his word we can obtain and inherit the promises that he has for us.

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And sometimes we think that the promises of God have to be massive.

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No, there are promises of God that come in little droplets but are bigger than we could ever imagine.

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Hallelujah, because our God blesses beyond measure, and when he does, it could be a small blessing that means so much, or it could be a massive blessing on something we have been waiting for maybe all of our lives.

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But God is faithful through it all. So, through it all, we must declare that God is good and our soul will rejoice in Him, and that we will rest in the shadows of the Almighty God and we will follow after Jesus, because he's the only one who can uphold us, who is able to give us strength when we are weak. He is able to shut the mouths of the lions when the deceiver comes to speak lies into our soul and into our minds. We must know that God is the one who will uphold us with His right, righteous hand and he will fulfill every single promise that he has spoken over your life and over my life. I am so sure of this. Please don't be discouraged, because God is faithful and even though we must endure for a season or seasons, god, in His appointed time, will allow us to see, hallelujah, what God has already prepared for us to inherit if we will hold fast to our faith in Christ Jesus Until the next time, continue seeking Jesus and declaring it is well with my soul. Bye, bye for today.