Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Navigating the Storm: Delving into Psalms 88 and 89, Embracing Life's Tribulations with Faith and Resilience, and Understanding the Divine Purpose of Hardship

Melissa Garcia

Ever feel like you're stuck in a storm that just won't end? As we journey through life, it's normal to encounter seasons of sorrow and hardship. However, understanding the purpose of these trying times can provide solace and strength. This podcast episode is a heartfelt exploration of navigating life's trials and tribulations with faith and resilience. We lean on biblical passages from Psalms 88 and 89, emphasizing that every hardship serves a divine purpose and is a preparation for the seasons to come. 

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of transparency in our relationship with God. Being honest about our feelings of joy, anger, or discouragement forms the foundation of our bond with the divine. God cherishes this honesty and uses it to strengthen our relationship with him. I also offer prayers for all listeners, hoping that the divine insights shared will continue to inspire you long after the podcast ends. So, tune in, and let's embrace an uplifting journey of faith, comfort, and the enduring love of God together.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, good morning. I hope everyone is having a great day today. It is a cold, crisp day outside, but it is still gorgeous because this is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. We need to understand that in every season there is purpose, because every season before the season we come into is a preparation for the next season to come, and I want to encourage you today, in this podcast, to know and understand that our seeds of sorrow that are sown never come back in vain, because God sees us right where we are. He knows our hurt, he knows our pain, he knows when we are happy, he knows when we are sad. He knows everything because he is God. And the greatest part about God knowing the intent of our heart, our soul and our mind is that, although he knows what we are going to say, what we think, even before we say or think it, he chooses to sit with us and act as if he never heard it or as if he never knew we were going to think about it. Because that is what a good father does he listens, he sympathizes with them and he says although you're going through this, my daughter, my son, I already have your future predestined. So every tear that you cry and that falls from your eyes, I hold it in the palm of my hand and, in the right, appointed time. What I do with those tears is I cause them to become streams and rivers and oceans, and when you step in to the stream or the river or the ocean, it's not going to be of sorrow, of sadness, of mourning. Instead, it will be of dancing and laughter. It will be of joy and happiness, because everything that the enemy means and meant for evil, god always has a way of turning it around for His greater good, for His honor and for His glory.

Speaker 1:

And right now I want to read from the book of Psalms. It is 10 am, november 2nd 2023. I believe God is going to speak to us all and we are going to hear a word from the Holy Spirit that is going to enable us to continue walking, whether or not you are in a storm, have just walked into one or are about to walk right out of your storm and on into the victory that God has predestined for you to walk into. But even in the midst of the storm, god can still perform a miracle and even though God knows you're about to go into the storm, he is going to give you the capability, through His Spirit, for you to come out on the other side in victory.

Speaker 1:

So as we read the word of God, you can look in your Bible Psalms 88, and the word of God says oh Lord, god of my salvation, I have cried out day and night before you. Let my prayer come before you. Incline your ear to my cry, for my soul is full of troubles and my life draws near to the grave. I am counted with those who go down to the pit. I am like a man who has no strength.

Speaker 1:

Now look what the word of God says in 89. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever. With my mouth will I make known your faithfulness to all generations. For I have said, mercy shall be built up. Forever your faithfulness, you shall establish in the very heavens. I have made a covenant with my chosen. I have sworn to my servant, david your seed. I will establish forever and build up your throne to all generations, and the heavens will praise your wonders.

Speaker 1:

Oh, lord, your faithfulness also in the assembly of the saints, hallelujah. Thank you, father, for your grace, thank you for your mercy, thank you, lord, because when we are distraught, when we feel like we cannot go on any longer, when we feel like we have been in the grave for far too long without any light in sight, we know that your faithfulness will always come through for us, father god, that you are a very present help in times of trouble, that you, lord, father god, are the reason why we are not still in the grave, why we are still continuing to declare your faithfulness, because, lord, you give us strength. It is you who sees us through, it is you who defends us from the enemy. And, although we may feel affliction for the moment, it will not last forever, because your faithfulness is greater than anything we could ever face in this lifetime. There is no storm too big, there is nothing that can separate us from your love and from your faithfulness, father. So today, in this very day, I pray that you bring to remembrance how faithful you are, father, because you are a good, good father. You are the great shepherd, you are our king of kings and lord of lords, and we know that, although we may be down, but we are not out, we may be hard-pressed on every side, but we are not crushed, because your war stands firm. Yes, even in the midst of our chaos, you bring clarity, father, and I thank you, for those who will hear this podcast in the future, that you will continue to do a work in them until you come again. Jesus, lord, father, god, I am so thankful that, even though we go through our trials and tribulations, but you promised that, although we may have to endure weeping for a night, joy comes in the morning. And so, father god, I pray that you bless everyone who hears this podcast in the mighty name of Jesus, hallelujah, amen and amen.

Speaker 1:

I believe that god wants us to know that, yes, afflictions have to come. Yes, we are going to have to feel like everything is caving in on us, but this is not for destruction. This is because god, through all the calamity, god is going to show himself to be faithful, because that is who our god is. God is not just faithful, he is faithfulness. That is who he is, and god cannot lie. What god has established, it will come to pass. Just because you and I cannot see it yet does not mean that God hasn't already established it. I'm going to say that again, just because you and I cannot see the finished works of what God has done in our lives does not mean that God has not established it, because everything that God establishes, he says it is good and in God's calendar it is good. But just because we cannot see it with the naked eye, that does not mean that it has not been predestined for us to inherit.

Speaker 1:

Now, on the other hand, the reason why we have to feel the pressure of life, have to go through tribulation, have to go through discomfort, have to go through a transition, is cause without pain there is no gain. In order for us to go to different heights and new levels, we first must understand that with new levels and with going to new dimensions, we are going to have to be prepared for that. And because we go to new dimensions, the enemy will stop at nothing to try and cause us to become discouraged, and discouragement hurts Anybody who says I have been discouraged and it fell good there from another planet. Because discouragement means that we're going to have to be rejected. We're going to have to feel the pressure of being lonely, but it's okay, because even when we are lonely physically, spiritually, we have the father, the son and the Holy spirit with us. So in reality cause the spiritual realm is more real than the physical realm. We need to give God honoring glory that through his faithfulness, he never leaves us, nor does he forsake us.

Speaker 1:

Now it is okay, when we pray, to be real, honest and transparent with God, because God cares about us, he can empathize with us, he can sympathize with us. So when we come to God, his mercy endures forever and with our mouth, with our lips, we must worship the creator for who he is, and he is faithful, he is truth, he is the way, he is the life, he is love and he will never give up on his children. So when we come with everything being transparent before God, god says I will never give up on my children, I will never give up on my children, I will never give up on my children, I will never give up on my children. Being transparent before God. God says this is what I've been looking for. This is how I can build upon a firm relationship and a faithful relationship from them to me, being faithful in what they say, because God's not looking for repetition, let's just be real. He's looking for someone to come to him.

Speaker 1:

If you're angry, talk to God. If you are upset, talk to God. If you feel discouraged, talk to God If you're happy. Talk to God. The whole thing is. Talk to God, because God wants to hear everything that you have to say Hallelujah, and then God will come in the still small voice and he will say everything that he has to say to you. To let you know I've heard your prayer, I have seen your tears, I know what you've been going through and if you will continue to hold fast to your faith, trust and believe the plans that I have for your life, they are good and not of evil. They are plans to prosper you, to give you a future and hope. This is who our God is and we can always count on him. I pray that this has blessed you in so many ways and I cannot leave this podcast without inviting you to make Jesus your personal Lord and Savior.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you have backslip and you are saying this is my moment. I need to come back to God. I remember all the times that God used to speak and I would hear his voice and I would talk to him and I would have a profound personal relationship with him. Friend, I want you to know God is calling you with open arms to come back and have that personal, intimate relationship again. He is not mad at you. As a matter of fact, he is the one calling you today and saying come back to my presence, because what I have established for you was not brought away just because you turned away from me. As a matter of fact, I have everything for you, still with open arms.

Speaker 1:

If you will come back to me and you will follow me from here on out or maybe for the first time, you've heard this podcast and this is your moment, and you're saying I want Jesus, I don't want to continue walking without Jesus, I need Jesus. Well, here is your moment to open your heart and receive Jesus, making him your personal Lord and Savior. If you will just bow your head and close your eyes and repeat after me Dear Father, I come to you in this moment and I realize that I have sinned against you, and only against you, and I pray in this day that you will become Lord and Savior of my life. I renounce my sins, I turn away from them and I ask that you come and sit on the throne of my heart and I pray that you will write my name in the Lamb's book of life and I believe with all of my heart that you died for me on the cross over 2000 years ago and took my punishment, what should have been for me. You took it upon yourself so that you would save and rescue me from my sins, and I confess with my mouth that I need you as Lord and Savior to rule and reign over my life, and from here on out I will follow you all the days of my life. Thank you for making me a child of God. I am grateful for the salvation that I now have through Jesus Christ, and I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and amen.

Speaker 1:

If you said that prayer, welcome to the family of God. Hallelujah, it's the greatest, most important moment of your life. Know this that Jesus is going to help you. He is going to lead you and guide you. I would suggest, in the Bible, starting with Matthew, mark, luke and John, which are the Gospels, reading them first, because these are the books that will help you to have a more profound relationship with Jesus, because these are the testimonies of those who walked with Jesus and they testify to the fact that Jesus is real. Jesus was crucified and Jesus was resurrected on the third day. Oh, I pray this has blessed you until the next time. Bye-bye for today.