Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Embracing God's Unfaltering Strength: Understanding the Significance of God's Ministering Spirits, Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior and Transforming into a Child of God

Melissa Garcia

Are you ready to understand the true essence of God's strength in your life? Join me as the Holy Spirit shares a powerful message in drawing from the books of Joshua and Hebrews. Together, we explore the significance of God's ministering spirits and their service to the inheritors of salvation. The Holy Spirit emphatically reminds us that the battles we face aren't ours, they belong to God. As we embrace His unfaltering strength, we find a promise of victory that transcends our personal struggles and challenges.

As you journey with me through this enlightening podcast episode, we shift gears to delve into what it means to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, leading to the beautiful transformation of becoming a child of God. We share valuable insights on growing in faith, beginning with the enlightening journey through the Gospels. But that's not all. We also share a heartfelt prayer for those ready to surrender their battles to God and welcome Christ into their hearts. Whether you're seeking a spiritual awakening or need a faith lift, this episode promises to uplift and inspire you in ways unimaginable. Get ready to embark on this transformative journey. Join me and the trinity, and let faith guide the way.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, what's going on? Sister Melissa, here I am back with an encouraging message from the Lord, a message that is going to allow you to be warriors, going into the battle, being fierce in the spirit and going after what belongs to the children of God, rightfully given to us through the blood of Jesus Christ. I feel in the core of my spirit that today, someone is going to be set free. Someone is going to overcome depression. Someone is going to overcome anxiety. Someone is going to overcome sadness and sorrow Hallelujah. Somebody is going to overcome, by the blood of Jesus, worry and doubt and fear, because our God, he rules and reigns with a rod of iron and our God is powerful and mighty to save each and every single one of our lives, hallelujah. It is 10 am October 31st 2023. Then what does the light have to do with darkness? Absolutely nothing. They are contrary to one another. So, as children of the Lord, I declare and proclaim that the rest of this year is going to be a year that we will not forget, because God is getting ready to do something big and amazing, and it correlates with what the message of the Lord has to say to us all in this day.

Speaker 1:

The message from God comes from the book of Joshua, chapter 5, beginning with verse 13. And the word of God says and it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted his eyes and looked and behold, a man stood opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand. And Joshua went to him and said to him Are you for us or for our adversaries? So he said no, but as a commander of the army of the Lord, I have now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped and said to him what does my Lord say to his servants? Then the commander of the Lord's army said to Joshua Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy. And Joshua did so. Now we are going to go all the way to the book of Hebrews, chapter 1, verse 14.

Speaker 1:

And the word of God reads like this Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation? Father God, in this day, I thank you, lord, because you are wonderful, you are awesome, you are mighty to save. I thank you, lord, because without you we are nothing, without you we can do nothing. So, father God, I pray in this day that you empower us by your spirit to go forth and to declare your word with all boldness, because you have not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, of power and of a sound mind. So, father God, I pray in this day, those who hear this message, those who hear this podcast, that you will open their spiritual ears to hear, you will open their spiritual eyes to see, and you will open hallelujah, the enlightenment of their heart to understand what it is you are saying to your children in this day. Thank you, jesus, and I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and amen. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

God is good. Everyone we have to understand that, that on our good days he's good, on our bad days he's still good. On our ugly days he is still good. And when we find ourselves falling into various trials, he is still a good, good father, because he has not given up on us and he has no plans on giving up on us, because he has already done what he has promised, and that was sending forth his son, jesus Christ, to die on the cross, to be resurrected on the third day, to give us eternal life. And all who believe on the crucifixion, all who believe in the resurrection of Christ. They too can and shall obtain eternal life through the blood of Jesus, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

So now, as I was reading the book of Joshua, I was reading in chapter five, verse 13, where we just read from, and something clicked into my mind and in the core of my spirit that when Joshua, he lifted up his eyes, which means that he was prostrated down to the floor and he looked up, he saw someone standing there with his sword drawn in his hand. And Joshua looks at him and he says are you for us, are you for our adversaries? And the man says no. In other words, I'm not for you, I'm not for them, I'm for the command of the Lord. I am here on an assignment from the Lord to let you know that in this day I have come down, to let you know that victory is won not because of you, it's not because of your adversaries, it is because God is the great I am and he is the one that fights our battles for us. And so I need someone right now to understand something that when God gives a command to the angels, like it says in the book of Hebrews, chapter one, verse 14, are they not all ministering spirits and for to minister to those who will inherit salvation.

Speaker 1:

Now, when God sends forth his army, it is because God has the intention of winning the war that began first with Lucifer in heaven and was brought down to the earth. And the war rages. Cause the war is not against flesh and blood, the war is against Satan and God, and so God is the one fighting our battles. For us, god is the one who sends his angels, at his command, to come and to let us know that victory is already won. Victory is already in our grasp. Cause God never loses a battle and God will never lose a battle, and the greatest war that is gonna take place is the war of Armageddon.

Speaker 1:

Now, I cannot get into that right now, but I'm pretty sure, as the Holy Spirit leads me, I will do another podcast regarding the end times. I will do another podcast regarding the tribulation. I will do another podcast regarding what is to come, hallelujah. But right now, god wants us to focus on this that the war does not belong to us. The war belongs to God. The battle belongs to God. The battle does not belong to us. So we need to surrender it and we need to do like the hallelujah man with the sword told Joshua all I need you to do is take the sandals off of your feet. Off of your feet, because the ground that you are standing on right now is holy ground. Come on, somebody.

Speaker 1:

When we realize and recognize that the presence of God is with us, the glory of God surrounds us, we need to take some things off of us so that we can understand that he who is speaking to us is holy, that he who is speaking to us, he is the one who sanctifies us for the mission, he is the one who cleanses us for the mission, and we are on an assignment to tell the world that the battle does not belong to me or you. It does not belong to us. The battle belongs to God, and God will fight on our behalf if we will just surrender the battle into the hands of our God. He is worthy. He is worthy, he is worthy of all praise. He is worthy of all our adoration towards Him. God is God and there's nobody like Him, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

I do not wanna leave this podcast without encouraging you to receive Christ into your heart, because when you do, he begins fighting your battles for you, and all you have to do is surrender your life to God.

Speaker 1:

But it's only through this prayer, if you will bow your head and close your eyes and repeat after me, you are gonna make the best decision of your life today. So repeat after me and say dear God, I come to you in this moment and I realize and recognize that I have sinned against you. I have been trying to fight this battle in my mind and in my heart for far too long and, frankly, I've just become confused with everything that life continues to throw my way. So I come here right now and I take myself off of the throne of my heart and I allow you to sit on the throne of my heart and I allow you to rule in rain, because I recognize and I realize that you are savior of the world. You died on the cross to save me and to save me from my sins, to give me eternal life.

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So, father, I'm believing in my heart that you have died for me on the cross, was risen again on the third day to give me eternal life.

Speaker 1:

I turn away from my sins, I follow you and I thank you for making me a child of God and from here on out, I will learn to walk according to your will and not my own, because the battle belongs to you. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me, and so, father God, I thank you for writing my name in the Lamb's book of life and making me a child of God. I pray this in the name of Jesus, amen and amen. If you repeated that prayer, welcome, welcome, welcome to the family of God. I encourage you now to start reading in the Bible the Gospels Matthew, mark, luke and John. This is going to help you obtain a closer relationship with God through Jesus Christ and enable you to really know and understand exactly what Jesus did for us on Calvary's cross, and it will cause you to have a more personal relationship with the Creator through Christ Jesus. Until the next time, bye-bye for today.