Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Prophetic Journey: Embracing Divine Callings and Receiving God's prophetic message of walking out your prophetic calling under the anointing of God's powerful Spirit.

Melissa Garcia

Are you ready to journey through the powerful words of Jeremiah? Fasten your spiritual seat belts as we unpack a prophetic message from God, discovering the fiery passion, the daunting challenges, and the unwavering faithfulness that comes with carrying a divine calling. Jeremiah may have lived centuries ago, but his struggles resonate strongly today, and his story illuminates our path as modern believers.

As we explore this week's episode, there's a promise of inspiration, upliftment, and encouragement. We tackle the importance of heeding God’s Word and the realization that He is not yet finished with us. You're bound to find reassurance and inspiration in this enlightening podcast episode. We also consider the profound truth that God continues to raise prophets in our time, individuals tasked with the divine mission of prophesying what is to come. Stay tuned, God is about to speak into your life!

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Speaker 1:

I hope everyone is doing good, everyone is having a blessed day in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is 10 am, october 30th 2023. And you know it. I am back with a message from the Lord. This is a prophetic message from the Lord, god Almighty, and he is getting ready to do great and mighty works which we have not seen. Because our God is faithful, our God is mighty, and when God unleashes a word, it never comes back void, but will always come back complete and fulfilled. And the word of God comes from Jeremiah, chapter 20, beginning with verse 9. And the word of God reads like this Then I said I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name, but his word was in my heart like a burning fire Shut up in my bones.

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I was weary of holding it back and I could not, for I heard many mocking fear on every side report. They say, and we will report it. All my acquaintances watched for my stumbling, saying perhaps he can be induced, then we will prevail against him and we will take our vengeance on him, but the Lord is with me as a mighty, awesome one. Therefore, my persecutors will stumble and will not prevail. They will be greatly ashamed, for they will not prosper. Their everlasting confusion will never be forgotten. But, o Lord of hosts, you who test the righteous and see the mind and heart, let me see your vengeance on them, for I have pleaded my cause before you. Hallelujah, lord, father God, I praise your holy name, I lift your name on high. I thank you because you are good, I thank you because you are great, I thank you because you are a good, good Father. And today, father God, I pray for every single person hearing this message that you, lord, father God, would just touch their hearts and you will cause them to know and understand that, as you have called them, they are worthy of being in the ministry, despite of whatever tries to rise up against them, because if they have Jesus as their Lord and Savior, then they are covered in the blood of Jesus. And whatever tactic the enemy tries to use to derail them or to keep them from fulfilling your will, father, right now, as the enemy has tried to hinder them from fulfilling their calling, you, lord God, hinder the enemy from trying to prevail against your chosen people. So, father God, right now, I just declare a word over every single person who will be hearing this podcast in the near future that you will see them through to the other side and they will come out singing songs of victory, not because of what you give them, but because of who you are in and through them. Father, I thank you and I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Hallelujah, amen and amen.

Speaker 1:

Now, in the book of Jeremiah, we know that in the beginning of the book of Jeremiah, god calls Jeremiah at a young age and tells him that I have formed you in your mother's womb and I have ordained you as a prophet. Jeremiah was a major prophet who would prophesy to God's people of the captivity that was to come because of the kings that had caused Israel to sin against God, and for that reason, god raised up not just Jeremiah in the times, god also raised up in Babylon, as Echiel, who was also prophesying of things to come as well as Jeremiah was prophesying. And now, as we correlate these two and we also correlate the two different errors that we are living in and the error they were living in God is still calling major prophets and minor prophets to prophesy of what is to come. And I don't know about you, but if we are not heeding the Word of God. There is a saying that history has the tendency to repeat itself if we are not heeding the voice of God through the prophets who God is raising up and whom God has raised up in the Old Testament and is still raising up in this generation, in our time frame, to not just speak about prosperity, to not speak about abundance, but to speak about what is to come and what is going to occur. And the reason why God still raises up prophets because God is not finished with us yet, although the first step to salvation was completed through Jesus. But there still is another part of the plan that needs to be completed, and that is when the new Jerusalem comes down and we rule and reign with our God for eternity. But until that time comes, there's going to be prophecies that will have to be fulfilled before the coming of the Lord.

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And so we are living in the last days where God, now more than ever, is raising up prophets who will speak what God places in their spirit to speak. They are going to speak it as God relays it, because this is not about having friends, this is not about being in the in-crowd, this is not about being popular, this is not about having such and such likes on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter. This is about relaying the message of God, because Jesus is coming back soon and God is raising up remnants of prophets who have not bowed down to the idols of this world, who have not bowed down to the veils of this world, but have gone into the secret places and have sought the Lord. And now God, and through them, is manifesting his word. And because of that, this is why there is mayhem within the body of Christ, because in the last days, there's gonna be lovers of themselves, there's gonna be lovers of money instead of lovers of God. And this is how we know this. It's in the book of 2 Timothy.

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And so God is establishing, and has already established, a work in and through those whom God has chosen, who will not back down, but will rise up with boldness and speak whatever the word of God speaks. So those prophets will speak and they will not be worried about who is offended, they will not be worried about who is gonna take offense to this. But there will come a time where, yes, they will mock us, they will ridicule us, they will say how can God use this one? How is it that God is using her. How is it that God is using him?

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But let me tell you something you have no idea the incredible power that God has to take someone from their former life and cause them to become a new creature in Christ Jesus and become hallelujah, a radical follower of Jesus, and for that reason God can use them, because they are available to be used by God. And this is where it all comes down to, because it happened to Jeremiah and it will happen with anyone whom God has called and ordained and has chosen to be a prophet. And because of those who will not believe that God sent you and that the word of God came directly from God's throne room, they will mock you and this will cause you, at one point in time, to do what Jeremiah did and say I will not speak in the name of the Lord, for they mock me and they ridicule me and they're just not getting what it is God is trying to say. But there will be a passion that will be stirred within the core of your spirit and that passion is the passion of the Holy Spirit that's gonna cause you to continue burning bright and cause you to continue walking as a radical Christian because, yes, you are the one God is calling. You are the one God is raising up for such a time as this.

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Do not pay attention to those who are not walking in the Spirit but in the flesh. Do not pay attention to what is going on around you and focus in on what Jesus is doing in and Through you, because, hallelujah, what God is doing is a mighty work in and through you that is going to bring honor and glory to his name, and it's going to bring about a transformation to all the nations. Hallelujah, out there, you are the one that God is calling. Do not become weary, do not become faint, hardened, because God is going to, hallelujah, give you a strength that you could never have on your own. God is going to elevate you in ways you could never imagine. You just have to continue seeking him in the secret place. You have to continue declaring over your life, even when it doesn't seem so, that God is still working a work in you, that God is still doing what he promised he was going to do in your life. But just continue to seek he first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and you are going to see that through it all. God, in fact, called you as a prophet for the nations, hallelujah.

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I cannot leave this podcast Without first inviting you, if you do not have Jesus in your heart, to make him Lord and Savior over your life. He is calling you right now. This is nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with a relationship, and the only way that we can see God is through Jesus Christ and what Jesus Christ has done for us on the cross. I want you right now to bow your head and close your eyes and repeat after me Jesus, I Come to you in this very moment and I realize and recognize that I have sinned against you, and only against you, and I ask that you come into my heart Right now and you sit on the throne room of my heart. And Lord, father, god, I pray right now that, as I confess my sins and believe that you are Savior of the world, that you will forgive me, you will cover me in your blood and you will make me a new creature in Christ Jesus, and all old things pass away and All new things become real and a reality to my life. From here on out, I will follow you all the days of my life. I thank you for making me a child of God and for writing my name in the Lamb's book of life, that when I leave this earth I will see you face to face.

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Thank you, jesus. In your name I pray amen and amen. If you said that prayer, I welcome you to the family of God. There is no better place to be than in the presence of God. I encourage you to start reading in the Bible, the book of the gospel Matthew, mark, luke and John. This is going to help you get a better understanding of what Jesus truly did for us on the cross and it will help you to obtain that personal relationship With God through Jesus Christ. I pray that this has blessed you until the next time. Bye, bye, bye. For today.