Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Miraculous Multiplication in the Desert Season: Unveiling God's Power in Matthew 14-15, Trusting in Divine Timing, and Embracing Transformation with Faith

Melissa Garcia

Ever felt stuck in an isolated period or a desert season in your life? Does it seem like your worries are multiplying while your blessings are diminishing? This podcast episode is a haven for you! With powerful insights derived from the book of Matthew, I share a potent message from the Lord, urging us to find stillness amidst life's storms. This message serves as a compelling reminder of God's miraculous power of multiplication, even in seemingly desolate situations.

We delve into the chapters 14 and 15 of Matthew, where we witness the miracles of Jesus feeding the multitudes. The acts are not just miracles; they are reflections of God's boundless capacity to multiply your gifts and talents, pushing you towards the destiny He has planned. This episode is a gentle call to trust in God's perfect timing and to be still, laying down your anxieties to witness His miraculous work in your life. Are you ready to embrace a transformation that will change your life forever? Let's journey together into this faith-fostering episode!

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Speaker 0:

Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is having a fantastic day in the Lord Jesus Christ. This morning it is 10 am, october 25th 2023, and the Lord himself has a word for us all today, a word that is going to encourage us, that is going to inspire us and is going to lead us to a place where our faith will grow as God multiplies what he has in store for us to hear, and not only hear but also act upon as children of the Lord. And this morning I encourage you that, if you do not have Jesus in your heart and he is not Lord and Savior over your life, pay close attention to the message of the Lord, because he is tugging on your heart this morning. He is calling you to come to his presence. He is making known his presence to you so that you will come to the knowledge of the cross, the crucifixion of Christ, the resurrection of Christ and the eternal salvation he has to offer you in this day. Let us get into the message.

Speaker 0:

The Word of God this morning comes from the book of Matthew. We are going to be reading back and forth from chapter 14 and chapter 15 of Matthew, because the Word of God for this day is be still and know that I am God. God wants us to sit down and be still and watch as God multiplies the blessings and God multiplies what it is he has set forth for us to inherit as children of the Lord. And for those who are just tuning in and may not have a relationship with Christ, I want you to rest assured that by the time you get finished hearing this podcast, you too will want to obtain a personal relationship with the Creator of heaven and earth, but it's only through Jesus Christ, because Jesus is the truth, the way and the life, and no one on this planet can come to the Father except through Jesus Christ. So let us get into the Word of God. We are going to begin with Matthew, chapter 4, beginning with verse 13, and the Word of God says when Jesus heard it, he departed from there by boat to a deserted place by himself. But when the multitudes heard it, they followed him on foot from the cities. And when Jesus went out, he saw a great multitude and he was moved with compassion for them and healed their sick. When it was evening, his disciples came to him saying this is a deserted place and the hour is already late. Send the multitudes away that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food. But Jesus said to them they do not need to go away, you give them something to eat. And they said to him, we have here only five loaves and two fish. And he said to them bring them here to me. Then he commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass and he took the five loaves and the two fish and, looking up to heaven, he blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples and the disciples gave to the multitude.

Speaker 0:

We are going to go to Matthew, chapter 15, starting with verse 32, which says then Jesus called his disciples to him and said I feel compassion for the crowd because they have been with me now three days and have nothing left to eat and I do not want to send them away hungry because they might faint from exhaustion on the way home. The disciples said to him where will we get enough bread? We are in an isolated place to feed such a large crowd. And Jesus asked them how many loaves of bread do you have? And they replied Seven and a few small fish. He directed the crowd to sit on the ground and he took the seven loaves and the fish and when he had given thanks, he broke them and started giving them to the disciples. And the disciples gave them to the people and they all ate and were satisfied, and they gathered up seven full baskets of broken pieces that were left over.

Speaker 0:

Hallelujah, father God, in this moment I come to you and I thank you for your word, your word that is always on time, your word that never comes back void, your word that always fills us, your word that always comes at the right, appointed time for us to receive. No matter the condition we are in, no matter the situation we may be in, you always have a word and the word that you bring forth. It may not align in the current situation that we are in, but it will always align to your perfect will and as we trust you, lord, father God, no matter the season we are in, no matter the desperation we are in, no matter the desperate measures that we try to take when we are friends and trying to find a solution, you always come to our rescue on time, every time, because your will and your way is perfect, father God. So, those who are hearing Lord, father God, this podcast and those who will hear this podcast, I just pray, lord, father God, that as you have ministered the word of God to my spirit, I pray that the very same word be ministered to those who will be hearing this podcast in the future and that you, lord, father God, whatever they are facing right now, that you will multiply everything that they, lord, father God, have asked you in prayer, in fasting, in reading and scrutinizing your word, in seeking the kingdom of God first. In your righteousness, lord calls all these other things to be added unto them. In the mighty name of Jesus, help us, lord, to be still and know that you are God and that you are the God who multiplies and you are the God who rescues and you are the God who saves. This. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and amen, hallelujah.

Speaker 0:

So, as I was reading in the book of Matthew, I started to notice that when God calls us and he sees the weariness of our soul, he knows that we may be in a deserted place, he knows that we may be in an isolated place, but he always has a word, and that word will always become multiplied. Hallelujah, because what God establishes, god will also multiply, and God had established the crowd to be there at the right appointed time, although it was a deserted place, although they may have been in an isolated place, and although the disciples did not know and could not comprehend what Jesus was about to do. In showing the multitude, using the disciples, that God was about to perform a miracle so that the crowd could see that God is not just the God who comes to heal and restore. God also comes to multiply the very thing that we think has no value, that we think that is stagnant, that we think has no purpose. God can multiply it in the deserted places where we are. But in order for us to see the hand of God moving, we must do one thing, and it's in the word of God.

Speaker 0:

Jesus told the disciples to tell the multitude to what? Not to go into the surrounding areas and try to find food. Not to go out further into the deserted places in the wilderness to try to capture an animal, to try to eat it. No, god told them to tell the multitude to sit down because God was about to do something that never crossed their minds in the first place and that was from the fear God was going to multiply so that everyone who was in that area would have more than enough, and because God was giving them more than enough, god was also demonstrating to the disciples that not only will I do this, but you too, when I ascend into heaven and I bring down the Holy Spirit, that you too are going to perform these miracles in my name, because what I teach you you will do far greater than what I have done when I was on this earth. And so this was not just something that God was doing so the multitude could see. This was God preparing the disciples, because later on, they too were going to do the miracles that the Holy Spirit had given them to perform, so that, in the end, god would get the honor, god would get the glory.

Speaker 0:

But it also comes back to this Now, when God is getting ready to do something. In your isolated period, in your desert season, it's gonna require you to do something that is far more harder and far more difficult than if we just get up and try to find the solution for ourselves. God is saying to us I want you to sit down, I want you to be still and I want you to know that I am God and I will be glorified throughout the nations. My name will be glorified in and throughout the nations, because what I have come to do, I have come to do for my honor and for my glory, and this is what God has come to do. He has come to multiply the very thing that we think has nothing to do with what God is actually establishing within us. And the very thing that he is establishing within us is what is gonna cause us to be launched into the destiny that God has for us, and that is multiplying the talents and the gifts that are within us so those around can see what God is doing in and through us.

Speaker 0:

And this is the reason why God has us to be still and to know that he is God, because God is the only one that can multiply the very thing that we are holding on to. It is only God who can multiply the very thing that we have in our hands to utilize. And the more we continue to seek the first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness, the more everything will be added unto us, and not only will it be added, but it will be multiplied. So if we are seeking God and whatever God has given us to give to those who are hallelujah, who have been appointed for us to minister forth to God will multiply that within us. So if we are seeking God in his word, he will continue to fill us up and multiply his word in and through us, and we will continue to walk in glory and in glory, because it's God's glory, it's not man's glory. It's God's glory that enables us to continue walking steadfast on this path, because without the Holy Spirit and without God's presence and without the Spirit of God, we cannot further the destiny that God has for us. It is only in and through the Holy Spirit that we are able and we are being enabled to go out and to tell this fallen, broken world to watch as God does the impossible, and that is, rescuing souls, so that they too can come and sit at the table and they too can obtain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Speaker 0:

It is our duty as Christians, as followers and believers of Christ Jesus, to let the world know, the world that is built upon chaos, and that there is hope, and the only one that can, alleluia, multiply what is within us is the Holy Spirit, and when he does, it's so that God can receive the honor and the glory, and so the multitude that was around them, hallelujah. The Bible says Jesus had compassion on them. Jesus has compassion on those who are in the world. For that reason he sends out his disciples, and this is how we know cause. Jesus told them you give them something to eat. In other words, jesus was telling the disciples you trust in me, you do what I say, and I will guarantee that the multitude that you are ministering forth to, they are gonna see my hand working the impossible, and all I need you to do is I need you to give me what is in your hands so I can multiply it. And when the multitude sees it, they too will be astonished and they too will believe, and they too will come to the knowledge of the cross and believe in the one true living God, through Christ Jesus, who has the power to multiply anything and everything that we, as disciples, give to the Lord. Jesus Christ to multiply, oh hallelujah. And so it was as God said. Jesus lifted the bread and the fish unto heaven and gave thanks and broke bread with the multitude, and the multitude were astonished and they had more than enough in our desert season. Don't ever think for one moment that God cannot work a miracle, because it's in fact in those dry, desert season and the isolated periods where God wants to demonstrate what seems impossible for man becomes possible with God, and in those moments is where we see the working of the Holy Spirit come to pass in our lives.

Speaker 0:

I pray that this message has blessed you, and I cannot finish this podcast without inviting you to become a part of God's family. And it's only a prayer away. All you have to do is open your heart to Jesus and say this prayer, repeat after me, bow your head and close your eyes and say Jesus, I come to you and I know that you have been tugging on my heart. I know that you have been knocking on the door of my heart and today I open my heart to you. But first I confess that I am a sinner. I believe with all of my heart that you are Lord and savior of my life. I have sinned against you, and only against you, and I ask for your forgiveness and I ask that you come and sit on the throne of my heart and become Lord and savior of my life.

Speaker 0:

From here on out, I follow you. I thank you for making me a child of God and I thank you for having written my name in the Lamb's book of life. And from here on out I will walk according to your will and your ways, that even when I make a mistake, I can run to you and you will see me through. Thank you, jesus. From here on out, I am yours and you are mine. In Jesus mighty name, amen, if you said that prayer right now, I wanna welcome you to the family of God. God is so good, he is wonderful, and when God calls God will also. He will give us the capability to do what we could not do before. Do now. In Jesus' name, I pray that this message has blessed you until the next time. Bye-bye for today.