Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Triumph Over Rejection: Embarking on the Journey of Transformation, Embracing the Promises of Eternal Life, and Understanding God's Unwavering Acceptance

Melissa Garcia

Feeling rejected or outcast? Listen to a heartening podcast episode where the promises of God's word are sure to guide us and lift us toward finding hope and purpose in rejection. Drawing from the Book of Micah, we'll be discussing the powerful message of God's acceptance and His divine plan of transforming the outcast into a strong nation. Jesus, despite being rejected, never wavered in his faith. Just like Him, you too can learn to walk in faith amidst adversities. Rest assured, our pain is momentary, and God's eternal glory awaits us. So, brace yourself for a journey of spiritual upliftment where you'll realize that your purpose in Him is far beyond what you can perceive.

Dream of achieving eternal life with Jesus? In the second part of my podcast, we move towards the beauty of eternal life that Jesus has promised each one of us. Learn how Jesus' sacrifice on the cross translates into salvation and a warm welcome into His family. We stress on the importance of reading the Gospels to strengthen your relationship with Him. Despite the way the world sees you, remember, you're loved and accepted by God. Don't forget, His promise stands firm - joy comes in the morning. We wrap up by encouraging you to hold onto your faith in Christ Jesus despite rejection. Be a part of this empowering discussion and find the strength to conquer your fears!

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, how's it going? Sister Melissa here, yes, I am back with a message from the Lord. It is 10 am, october 23rd 2023, and this message is going to give you hope, because where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, freedom to praise God, freedom to be forgiven of our sins, freedom to know and understand that it doesn't matter if you've been rejected, it doesn't matter if you've been the outcast, it doesn't even matter whether those who are around you accept you or do not accept you for who you are, because Jesus accepts you for what he's done for you on Calvary's Cross and today. The message that God wants us to know and understand comes from the book of Micah. It comes from chapter 4 and it comes from beginning in verse 6 and on. Let us just get right into the message, because I know that when the enemy rises up, it's because something great is on the break of happening. You have to get excited about this, because God is getting ready to do something so big, so unimaginable, that those who thought that it was over for you are about to see the hand of God working in and through you, which is why you've been secluded, which is why you've been excluded, which is why you have felt like you've been in the dark for far too long that I come to tell you right now that there is a light that is piercing through, and that light is the light of the Holy Spirit getting ready to manifest Himself in and through you. So this is not the season to lose heart. This is not the season to give in and give up. This is the season to press forth and press in to the will of God for your life.

Speaker 1:

Let us get into the message, the Word of God. Like I said, it comes from the book of Micah, in chapter 4, starting with verse 6, and the Word of God reads like this In that day, says the Lord, I will assemble the lame, I will gather the outcast and those whom I have afflicted. I will make the lame a remnant and the outcast a strong nation. So the Lord will reign over them in Mount Zion from now on, even forever, hallelujah. And now we're just going to go to verse 11, which says now also, many nations have gathered against you who say let her be defiled and let our eyes look upon Zion. But they do not know the thoughts of the Lord, nor do they understand His counsel. We are living, lord, father, in unprecedented times, but we also know that with you, all things are possible and your spirit is moving in those who seek you in spirit and in truth, and despite of what is going on around us, when we worship your holy name in spirit and in truth, we know that there is power in the praise that we raise with our voices unto the throne room Hallelujah, where your glory is, where your presence resides. So, father God, right now I just pray over, hallelujah, those who will hear this message, and that you, lord, father God, complete the work that you have begun in them, because what you have begun in us has already been pre-established and predestined for us to complete. So, father God, I pray this in your precious, beautiful, holy, holy, holy name Jesus, amen and amen, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

As I was reading from the book of Micah, I realized something that God, in His infinite mercy, he loves to take the outcast and bring them and draw them in. He loves to take the rejected and draw them in to his presence, in letting us know that it does not matter what we have gone through, it does not matter the rejection we have had to face, it does not matter being the black sheep of the house. God still has a plan, and that plan is to raise up a remnant from them so that, in the end, they can see that only God has the authority and only God has the power to raise up and to tear down. So if you have been wondering what is my purpose on this earth? Why do I feel like I'm always being cast out of something? Why does it always feel like I'm never included?

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you something. You need to give God all the praise, the honor and the glory, because that just means that God is reserving you for something greater, something that he has to do in your life now, and you have to feel the pain of rejection in order for you later on to empathize with others who have been rejected, and you can sympathize with others who have their whole entire life gone through being the outcast or the black sheep of the bunch. I gotta let someone out there know right now, god is getting ready to place you in a situation where it may seem like you're losing, but it's actually God's way of setting you up for a victorious moment in time, hallelujah. And I truly believe that when we stand firm despite our fears, despite our doubts, despite our worrying, when we stand firm on God's word and on God's promises, no matter how long it takes. It can take a day, it can take a week, it can take a month, it can take a year, it can take a decade, it can take forever.

Speaker 1:

But when God opens that door and you begin walking into the pre-established destiny that God has already ordained for you to walk in, it is going to be as if you've never had to go through what you went through, because, hallelujah, the glory of God, is greater than any pain we suffer in our present time, and it does not compare Hallelujah to what God is about to do in our lives. That is why we must hold fast to our faith in Christ Jesus and we must know and understand that those in the Bible who were rejected in the end actually had the greatest calling ever. We know this to be true because Jesus is the prime example of what it truly means to walk being rejected but yet, in the Father's eyes, always being accepted. And the reason why many of us have to go through this is because of the fallen and broken world that is out there that is crying for answers. Yet only one who has walked a mile or two in Jesus' shoes can understand, hallelujah, what it is to walk in to this fallen and broken world and empathize and say I know what it feels like to be rejected. Jesus was rejected, but he still got on that cross and he still died for our sins and he was resurrected on the third day to bring us eternal life. So I want to let you know that, although pain and rejection, it must endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Speaker 1:

And only those who have felt the heartache and the pain of what it is to feel like the outcast, the black sheep, or have been rejected, those are the ones that God will raise up for such a time as this to bring Hallelujah about a radical movement in the body of Christ. I tell you, do not faint, because God is getting ready to elevate you to a new level, to a new dimension. You're getting ready to walk into a new season, hallelujah, and I truly believe that from this, your faith in Christ Jesus is going to elevate to a higher level than you have ever encountered before. I pray that this has blessed you and I cannot end this podcast without first inviting you to receive Christ into your heart, making him your personal Lord and savior because he is here right now. Yes, the Holy Spirit is manifesting himself and is calling you to have that profound encounter with God.

Speaker 1:

If only you will close your eyes and bow your head and repeat after me Lord Jesus, I come to you in this moment and I ask for your forgiveness because I have sinned against you and only against you, oh God, and I believe with all of my heart that you are Lord and savior over the world and I believe that you died on the cross to save me, to save me from my own sins, and I invite you to come into my heart, making you Lord and savior.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, lord, for making me a child of God and that my name is written in the Lamb's book of life and from here on out, I have eternal life with Jesus Christ and I will follow you, jesus, all the days of my life. I pray this in Jesus' mighty name amen. If you said that prayer right now, welcome to the family of God. And I pray that you read Matthew, mark, luke and John. They are the Gospels. This will cause you to really encounter a personal relationship with Jesus and to know exactly what Jesus did for us on Calvary's cross. I pray that this message has blessed you Until the next time. Bye-bye for today.