Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Unveiling the Power of God's Grace: Manasseh's Story of Sin and Salvation

Melissa Garcia Episode 65

Have you ever wondered if there's a limit to God's forgiveness? Prepare to immerse yourself in a captivating dialogue as we journey through the profound biblical story of Manasseh. This infamous king committed unspeakable sins, yet through God's unwavering mercy and love, found redemption and transformation. We're peeling back the layers of this story to reveal the enduring message that we are not defined by our past actions but by the salvation that Jesus offers us. 

As we navigate through the twists and turns of Manasseh's story, we'll also be focusing on how our actions and their consequences intertwine with God's forgiveness. While God's mercy is absolute, be reminded that our actions can have lasting impacts. But fear not, even in the toughest storms, God's love remains our compass. The story of Manasseh is a powerful testament to Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, a divine offering of mercy and forgiveness to all who seek it. Tune in and let this podcast episode shed fresh light on the limitless extent of God's love and mercy.

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Speaker 1:

Good morning everyone. Hallelujah, it is a great day. This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. It is 10 am, october 16, 2023, and we have a lot of ground to cover today. The Lord is so good, the Lord is faithful and the Lord is worthy of our praise.

Speaker 1:

This morning, I am going to be reading from the book of 2 Chronicles. I will be going also to the book of 2 Kings and we are going to get into the message, because God has a word for us. The word that God has for us in this day is it does not matter your past, it does not matter the things you have done, it does not matter what the enemy has done to try and keep you away from this moment of salvation. God can take the worst of the worst and turn it into the best of the best, because that is who our God is. We are going to get into the prime example of someone who did evil in the sight of God. In the end, we are going to see what true repentance looks like. Let us come to the book of 2 Chronicles, chapter 33. We are going to begin with verse 1. The word of God says this Manasseh was 12 years old when he became king and he reigned 55 years in Jerusalem.

Speaker 1:

He did evil in the sight of the Lord, according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel, for he built the high places which Hezekiah, his father, had broken down. He raised up altars for the Ba'als and made wooden images, and he worshiped all the hosts of heaven and served them. He also built altars in the house of the Lord, of which the Lord had said In Jerusalem my name shall be forever. And he built altars for all the hosts of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord. Also, he caused his sons to pass through the fire in the valley of the sons of Hinnom. He practiced sultana, used witchcraft and sorcery and consulted mediums and spirits. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord to provoke him to anger. He even set a carved image, the idol which he had made in the house of God, of which God had said to David and to Solomon, his son, in this house and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put my name forever, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

We are going to go now to verse 10. It says and the Lord spoke to Manasseh and his people, but they would not listen. Therefore, the Lord brought about them the captain of the army of the king of Assyria, who took Manasseh with hooks, bound him with brawn fetters and carried him off to Babylon. Now, when he was in affliction, he implored the Lord, his God, and humbled himself greatly before him, humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers and prayed to him. And he received his entreaty, heard his supplication and brought him back to Jerusalem, into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord was God.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, lord, father God, in this very moment, I pray that you open our spiritual ears to hear your word and your message. I pray that you would open our spiritual eyes, lord, to see in the supernatural. I pray that you open our hearts to understand what it is you are saying to your people in this day. I pray, father God, that those who come, hallelujah, to hear your message you will illuminate their understanding so that they can come to the knowledge of the cross and fully understand that repentance is turning away from their sins and being forgiven by God through the blood of Jesus enables us to know and understand that it's not about what we have done. It's about what Jesus Christ has done for us on the cross, and he's not looking at you and saying you have no forgiveness. He's not looking at you and saying you've gone too far in for me to forgive you. It's contrary to that. He is extending his mercy toward us today. He is saying it doesn't matter what you've done, what you've gone through, what you've said and how you have acted. It's about you coming to the cross and receiving what I have done for you, and that was pouring out my precious blood on the cross so that you would be redeemed in this day and, from here on out, you would have eternal life. So, father God, right now I pray, lord, that you quiet our souls and our hearts and our minds to receive your word and every distraction. I declare it to leave, in the mighty name of Jesus, whatever deception and lie the enemy tries to bring, right now, father God, I pray that you cancel it out. In your mighty name, jesus, I pray in Jesus' name, amen and amen.

Speaker 1:

Well, as I was reading this chapter, I am always amazed at how God's love truly reaches the worst of the worst, and we see the transformation that takes place, and this transformation took place in the King Manessah, when he did evil before the sight of God. And because he did so much evil in the sight of God, god had to catch Manessah's attention, and that was bringing Manessah to a place of solitude, taking him out of where he was, allowing the Assyrians to come in and invade his territory, allowing the enemy to wreak havoc on top of him. Because Manessah wasn't only causing the children of God to sin, he was also causing his sons to pass through the fire. He was also bringing in stuff that was outside into the temple. Come on now, somebody I know somebody's hearing right now. He was bringing in idols from out there and bringing them into the temple and making it seem like this was normal, when God clearly says thou shalt not worship any other God but the God of heaven and earth, the one true living God. And so Manessah was doing all of these things, and on top of that he was seeking mediums, suit sayers, doing witchcraft and sorcery, calling upon those things that God specifically told his people not to do and not to go and seek out.

Speaker 1:

But Manessah was driving God's people to do so much evil that God had to get Manessah's attention. And the reason why God allowed this to happen was because he already knew that, although Manessah was the worst of the worst, god was about to hallelujah, forgive Manessah, because Manessah was about to have a profound encounter and he was going to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord was, is and will always be God Almighty. And so when they drove Manessah to Babylon, the Bible says that he was in affliction. And when he was in affliction, he called and cried out to the Lord and he humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers. The Bible says that he implored the Lord, not the God, his God, hallelujah. And he prayed to him and he received his entreaty, heard his supplication and brought him back to Jerusalem, into his kingdom. Then, manessah he knew that the Lord was God.

Speaker 1:

You see, it's not about how much we do that enables us to come to the cross. It's about what Jesus has come, that enables us to stand in front of God and to say I have messed up, I need you, I'm a sinner, I have done evil, I have done so much, I have made a mess of my life, and I am calling and crying out to you right now, and God in his mercy. He will extend that grace and that mercy towards you and that forgiveness toward you, because Jesus died for all. Jesus didn't die for one kind, jesus didn't die for one culture, jesus didn't die for one nation. He died for every single person on this planet, so that, no matter what you have done, no matter what you've gone through, god is ex sending that same mercy to you.

Speaker 1:

Today. You could be a warlock, you could be a witch, you could be somebody who has gone so deep down and you feel like there's no forgiveness. But only Jesus can break those chains, only Jesus can break those bondages. Only Jesus can come in with his blood and cleanse us and purify us and sanctify us and cause us to become a new creature in Christ Jesus. And although there is forgiveness, we will not escape the consequences of our actions. And the reason why I say this is because, although Maness asked the Lord for forgiveness and humbled himself and God brought him back to Jerusalem, he's still, because of his actions, down the line.

Speaker 1:

God's people had to go into captivity, but that God, after the captivity, was gonna cause Babylon to see the judgment of God. After God's people came back from captivity, god poured out judgment on the Babylonians. You see, god forgives us, but we cannot escape the consequences of our actions. But God will see us through and God will see us to the other side. But we have to understand something that our God is merciful, our God is graceful. Our God is so abundant in mercy he is slow to anger and abundant in mercy that when we come to the cross he forgives us and he allows us, through the blood of Jesus, to come into the holy of holies so that we would cry out to him when we are going through another trial, when we are going through another storm. See, the people of God. They did not realize that through the sins of menesem and this is scriptural and I'm gonna show it to you that because of the sins of menesem, they had to go into captivity. The generations after had to go into captivity. Why? Because when we do something against the will of God, we have forgiveness, but we will have to face the consequences of our actions. You and I have been forgiven, but we need to speak to the next generation of who God is. Some people will not heed to the voice of God, even when you have been forgiven and you wanna share that forgiveness with other people and let them know that Jesus forgives.

Speaker 1:

Because, as menesem had passed away, he had another son named Ammon, who came into reign. But he did evil in the sight of God. And so the Bible says that servants came in and the servants conspired against him and they killed him. And Manus is his grandson, whose name was Josiah came into reign at an early age. Josiah was only eight years old when he came into reign. Because his son did evil and his servants conspired against him, he died also. So his son, josiah, stepped into reign, which is Manus's grandson, and at eight years old, this boy did what was good in the sight of God restored everything back, knocked down all the idols, and he became a powerhouse for God. And so Manus unfortunately, his beginning was not great, but his ending was great because God forgave him, as he asked God to forgive him. So it's not about our beginning, it's about our end.

Speaker 1:

And so because Manus calls the children of God to sin, this is why God's people down the line had to go into captivity, and the word of God says here in 2 Kings, chapter 21, verse 16,. Moreover, manus shed very much innocent blood, so he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another. Besides his sin, by which he made Judah sin in doing evil in the sight of the Lord. So because of that, the generations to come they would continue to do evil, but Manus says he had repented. You need to worry about your salvation. It's salvation God is giving you. You need to guard it with trembling and fear, because we need to understand something that, even though we may have started out bad, but God, through his mercy, sent his son, jesus to die on the cross to give us life and when we are forgiven, that gives us the opportunity to speak to the next generation, and so God will raise up a remnant.

Speaker 1:

Why All?

Speaker 1:

Because you and I chose to repent of our sins, because our beginning was awful, but our end is the greatest story ever told by God himself on what Jesus has done for us and where we came from to where we are now, to where God is going to bring us, and that is to His heavenly kingdom one day, if we continue walking according to the will of God and we preach with all boldness repentance, forgiveness of what Christ has done for us on the cross and how he can set us free, no matter how bad your life has been, no matter what you have done, when you cry out to the Lord in your secret place. If your heart is crying out to God right now, he is forgiving you. You need to walk knowing that you have been forgiven. Hallelujah, because God, he is merciful and abundant in grace. Hallelujah, oh, I pray. This has blessed you and I pray that you continue to seek the Lord. There is no greater name like the name of Jesus Christ, who has the power to redeem, restore, transform and make all things new. Yes, it is you. God is calling.

Speaker 1:

Don't fault yourself for the things that you've done, because when we don't have Christ, we are led astray, and when we are led astray, the enemy comes in to deceive us, to bring lies and deception. But when we come to the cross, that is where the veil is taken off and that is where we can see clearly that Jesus Christ poured out his blood. I cannot end this podcast without inviting you to become a part of the family of God. It is a simple prayer and it goes like this Jesus, I come to you and I recognize and realize that I have sinned against you, oh God, and I need you to come into my heart to become Lord and Savior of my life because I believe over 2,000 years ago you died for me on the cross. You died to give me life and I believe with all of my heart that I have been saved and redeemed by your blood and I am a child of God and from here on out I will walk as a child of God because you have written my name in the Lamb's book of life. Thank you for eternal life. I turn away from my sins and I seek you and I follow you from here on out in Jesus name.

Speaker 1:

Amen and amen, if you said that prayer right now, welcome to the family of God. We are happy and celebrating with the angels in heaven. Yes, because when there is a prodigal son or daughter who comes running back home into the arms of God, there is a celebration in heaven. When one repents for the first time and comes to the knowledge of the cross, there is a celebration in heaven. And when they're celebrating, we are celebrating here on earth, because a soul for Jesus is a victory all in itself. I pray this has blessed you until the next time. Bye, bye for today.