Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Embracing the Struggle: Unraveling the Transformative Power of Tribulations, the Forging of Spiritual Stamina, and the Everlasting Hope in Jesus Christ

Melissa Garcia Episode 63

Imagine that every struggle we face is an opportunity for spiritual growth. That's what we're exploring today as we dive into the transformative power of perseverance and hope, drawing invaluable insights from Romans 5:1-5. We discuss how God uses our tribulations to shape our character, strengthening us and fueling a hope that stems from the core of our being. We delve into the truth that our every trial is a process designed by God to build our character and spiritual stamina.

Taking this journey further, we explore how understanding the integral role of tribulations and perseverance in character building enables us to fully embrace hope. It's through these trials that we are processed by God, ultimately emerging with a character forged in perseverance and a spiritual stamina ready to withstand any attack from the enemy. This podcast episode serves as a testament to the strength we gain from our struggles and a reminder of the unwavering hope we find in our Savior, Jesus Christ. So, let's embark on this journey together, armed with faith and hope, as we move towards the fulfillment of God's plan for us.

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Speaker 1:

What is going on everyone? Sister, melissa, yeah, I'm back. I'm back with another message from the Lord Jesus Christ. This message is going to encourage you, it's going to bring hope into your life and, honestly, I truly believe it is going to bless your soul. God wants us to understand something here and now Without process, there is no perseverance.

Speaker 1:

Without perseverance, there's no building of character. And that's the point. God wants to build our character through the processes that we must go through in order for us to build spiritual stamina. Yes, god wants us to build spiritual stamina so we can withstand everything.

Speaker 1:

After the storm, after your process, after the desert season, you will be able to stand firm in knowing that when the next process takes place, you will be able to withstand it. Why? Because through your first process, you built up spiritual stamina. The perseverance caused your character to be built through the difficult seasons, through the difficult times. That's why we are to never, as children of God, despise our small beginnings, because our small beginnings are what it takes in order for us to see the full-on picture later on of what God has been trying to do in and through us, and because we didn't give up, because we held fast to the faith that is in Christ Jesus, we in the end will start to make sense of why I had to go through this, why I had to endure, why I had to go through this process for such a long time, when people thought that I was going to break, when people thought that she's never going to make it out, when people thought God is not going to use her. Listen, let me tell you something. When this happens, this is God's way of showing us that, through this season that you are in and it could be multiple seasons where you feel stagnant, where you feel like you're not moving anywhere, but in the spiritual realm so much is taking place and when God says it is finished, it's because it is finished and what God has pre-established for you and for me to walk into and inherit, it surely will come to pass. But before those things can come to pass, you've got to go through the fire, but he's in it with you. You're going to have to walk on stormy seas, but he's in it with you. You are going to have to feel the pressure built up on all sides and it may feel like you're becoming crushed, but the truth is that God is with you. God is for you and God has never left you. God will never leave you. God will never forsake us. He is the one that is reforming us. He is the one that is reconstructing us. He is the one that is causing all things in our lives to become new. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Let us get into the message. It is 10 am, I'm excited, it's October 6, 2023, and we are going to be reading from the book of Romans, chapter 5, verse 1. And the word of God says therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord, jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into the grace in which we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulations produce perseverance, and perseverance, character and character, hope. Now, hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Thank you, jesus, for your word.

Speaker 1:

I pray right now, lord, father God, that those who are hearing under the sound of my voice, used by the Holy Spirit covered in the blood of Jesus, that those, lord, father God, who hear your message, they will believe the message, they will begin to use your word as a weapon to tear down strongholds, those things that maybe they have constructed in their minds, or things that the enemy has placed within their minds. That's causing them not to believe in your word, not to believe in your promises. But, lord, father God, your word, lord, father God, is truth. Your word, father God, is what causes chains to break. Your word, father God, is what causes darkness to flee. Your word, father God, is what causes the sick, the lame, the blind, the deaf, father God, the paralyzed, to see the mighty hand of God working in their lives. So, father God, right now, I just declare a supernatural encounter for every single person who hears this podcast, who is hearing this podcast and who will hear this podcast later on in the future. Bless them, father. Bless them in the mighty name of Jesus. I thank you, lord, you are wonderful, you're amazing, and we thank you and we give you all the honor and all the glory In Jesus' mighty name. Amen and amen.

Speaker 1:

Today I want to just briefly talk about what it takes for us in order for us to see hope come alive within us. It's going to take us to go through tribulations, perseverance, character and these three things, when we understand and grasp the concept that without tribulation, without perseverance, there is no character. And without the character we don't have hope. Because the hope that we have it comes through our tribulations and knowing that through them Jesus is with us, that through them we can persevere. Because Jesus is with us. And when we persevere through our tribulations we build character. And this is none other than God's way of saying that when you have built up character, you will start to hope, because the things that used to bring you down it will start to bring you back up. The things that were dragging you under will be the very thing that causes you to float back up. And the reason why this is is because when we go through trials and we go through tribulations, we are being processed by God himself and we don't understand it in the beginning.

Speaker 1:

And I'm pretty sure that every single person mentioned in the Bible who had to go through a process before being used by God in a mighty way did not understand what their calling truly was. They may have had a little idea, but they did not know the full on calling that was upon their lives until they went through their process of tribulation, their process in persevering through it all and because they were able to persevere with God being on their side. This in turn caused them to build up character. And when we build character the things that used to come on, now somebody bother us and no longer bothers us. But we turn it around and we throw it back into the enemy's face and say I have built up too much spiritual stamina to let these things affect me. And because these things don't affect me, I begin to what build character. And this character that is being built inside of me is not a character of pride, it's a character of authority, authority that is given to us, yet it may be hidden and tucked away for seasons until we persevere, and when we persevere and come to the full understanding.

Speaker 1:

Now, without character, without spiritual stamina, I am not going to stand on the hope that is Jesus Christ fulfilling his plan in and through me. So somebody's got to understand here today that if you're going through a tough season or you're encountering the most difficult season of your life, I need you to give God praise, because the more darker your season becomes, god is getting ready to build up your character. And when you come out with perseverance, when you come out with a built character. What God is going to do in your life is gonna cause you to only go forward and not draw back. What God is about to do in and through us in this time that we are living in is something supernatural, and the reason why you've had to go through what you've gone through is because God needs you to have character when you are walking on and in his righteous path, because the enemy is not playing around. So we too need to rise up, and if we can stand up and say it doesn't matter what the people say, it doesn't matter what the enemy says, it doesn't matter about their opinions anymore, because God has approved me and he's called me worthy of being in the ministry. This is why the enemy becomes afraid, because when you have built up that spiritual stamina, hallelujah. This is letting the kingdom of darkness know that God has me go through the fire, but it's to give him the glory, it's to give him the honor, it's to let the kingdom of darkness know that you thought that I was going through hell's fire and I would remain in hell's fire, but the truth, be told, is that God was with me in it. And if God was with me in it, then he's gonna be with me throughout the entire process until Jesus calls me home. And this is where hope comes into play when you know who you are in Christ Jesus, you are not going to let the things that the enemy throws your way affect your walk with Christ Jesus. We need to embrace our tribulations. We need to embrace the fact that if we are persevering, it's because God is not done with us yet and God is building up that character and God is going to use you. God will use me in his perfect timing, but we have to continue to persevere because when we do, hope comes alive within our very being and that causes us in turn, to continue walking until we reach the promised land.

Speaker 1:

I pray that this message has blessed you. I cannot end this podcast without first inviting you to make Jesus your personal Lord and Savior. If you have not received Jesus or maybe you have at one time and you backslid, and now you want to reconnect with God through Jesus Christ and you want to reconcile with Jesus, it's only a prayer away. If you would just repeat this prayer with me and say Jesus, I thank you for reaching me and I want right now to confess that I have sinned against you, and only you, and I need you to forgive me of my sins and wash me clean. I need you to take me and make me into who you want me to be.

Speaker 1:

I take myself off of the throne of my heart and I invite you to come in and sit on the throne of my heart. I believe that you died for me on the cross and rose again on the third day to give me life. Oh, Father, god, I thank you because I believe with all of my heart that you have forgiven me. I am washed in your blood and I am a child of God, and my name is written in the Lamb's book of life. Thank you, father, for making me a child of God. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and amen. If you have said that prayer, welcome to the family of God. We all welcome you with open arms. We love you and we know that God, in and through you, is doing a mighty work. Don't give up. Keep speaking the name of Jesus, because there is power in the name of Jesus Until the next time. Bye, bye, for today.