Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Unyielding Devotion: Delving into Daniel's Faith, the Power of Prayer, and the Journey to Deeper Connection with God

Melissa Garcia Episode 62

Ever wondered how Daniel's steadfast faith could stand firm in the face of a King's edict and a den of lions? Join me, Sister Melissa, as we unearth the power of prayer and the remarkable faith of Daniel from the Bible's Book of Daniel. We'll explore Daniels unwavering devotion to God, and how his faith serves as a testament to God's presence in our time of need. When the enemy tries to rise up and conspire against the children of God using those who are willing to be used by the enemy, to put in jeopardy our spiritual moral and ethical standards, although it may look like they are winning against us, rest assure that when we maintain our integrity to God, Jehovah Nissi will step in and fight for us.

Moreover, the Holy spirit will shed light on the transformative power of accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We'll discuss the impact of prayer and the importance of wholehearted service to the Lord. Hear my invitation to join God's family and explore the ways God communicates with us in supernatural ways. This podcast episode about faith, integrity, and the power of prayer is one you won't want to miss. It's more than just a story; it's a pathway to a stronger faith and a deeper relationship with God.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone. It is me, sister Melissa. I am here excited about this message that God has placed within my heart to relay to everyone who will be hearing this podcast in the future, who will be in tuned with what God is trying to say to his children. It is 10 am. It is already October. I can't believe it. We are already in October. It's October 2nd 2023. And the Lord is still good. The Lord still reigns and he rules with a rod of iron, and our God is the only one who has the power to save.

Speaker 1:

The book that I will be reading from this morning comes from the book of Daniel, and let's get into the Word of God quickly, because there's a lot that God wants to say, and I'm excited to be a part of God's movement and what God is doing in these last days. The Word of God is found in Daniel 6, beginning with verse 3. And the Word of God says Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps because an excellent spirit was in him and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm. So the governors and satraps sought to find some charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom, but they could not charge or fault, because he was faithful, nor was there any error or fault in him. Then these men said we shall not find any charge against Daniel unless we find it against him concerning the law of his God. Now we're going to go down to verse 10, and the Word of God says Now, when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home and in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he kneeled down on his knees three times that day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days. Then these men assembled and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God, and they went before the king and spoke concerning the king's decree. Have you not signed a decree that every man who petitions any God or man within 30 days except you, o King, shall be cast into the den of lions?

Speaker 1:

Lord Father God, I praise you and I thank you for your word. Your word brings truth. Your word, it brings light. Your word is what we need in order for us to continue walking on your righteous path. Lord Father God, I am just so grateful that you, lord Father God, have chosen this message to come forth now, because there are so many people that are against the ropes.

Speaker 1:

There are many people that have been cornered because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Father God, I pray right now that you reveal yourself to them in a tangible way, father God, in a supernatural way, father God, because, lord, heavenly Father, what you are doing in these times is supernatural. We will be able to overcome because, father God, you are faithful and we know this to be true, and I thank you, lord, for your faithfulness, I thank you for your kindness, I thank you for your mercy, I thank you for your grace, I thank you that, although we don't deserve any of it, you freely give it to us, because you paid that ultimate price on the cross for us to now really truly enter into our God-given destiny, no matter what the enemy does or says, because you have already washed us in the blood of Jesus, you have already ordained our steps, you have already pre-established our destiny and there is nothing that no one on this earth, being used by Satan, can do to try and take us away, because you have already paved the way, you have already paid the way for us. Lord, father God, and I am grateful and I just pray that many, through this podcast, will be transformed, but into the likeness of your being, lord, father, god, to be transformed, hallelujah, and not conformed to this world, but to be renewed in the mind through your word. Thank you, jesus. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and amen, hallelujah, praise God.

Speaker 1:

I notice that when God speaks, he will always speak in reference to how he sees us. He sees us in reference to how he formed us in our mother's womb, and because God sees us for how he sees us, he always will call us how he sees us and perceives us, no matter what is going on in our present situation or whatever is going on in our present circumstance, because God sees everything that the enemy is doing to try and destroy our faith and to try and destroy the destiny that God has already pre-established for us one day to walk through. And the reason why this is true is because the enemy is not after your presence, because you're already there. The enemy is after your future, because it's what you're gonna have to go through to get to where God has already pre-established for you to walk into. And so we see here in the book of Daniel that God had already given Daniel a of excellence. Oh, hallelujah. And that is exactly what God is saying to us today what is inside of you is so much more greater than he who is in the world, because he who is in the world has already been defeated by Jesus. But that's not gonna stop the enemy from trying to rank up his demons, from trying to rank up his squad to try and take you out, because that is the war that we have in our daily lives. It is a spiritual battle, but in the spiritual realm the enemy uses people in the physical realm to try and derail us from our purpose and are calling on this earth. We must do what Daniel did.

Speaker 1:

Daniel did not contend with those who conspired against him. Daniel did not raise his voice. Daniel did not do anything to defend himself. So what did Daniel do? Well, the Bible says that Daniel already knew what was going on. Daniel already knew because it says in chapter 6 of verse 10 that Daniel already knew that the writing was signed. And Daniel was well aware that when there is a decree, it's irrevocable. It cannot be taken out. So what did Daniel do? He went to a secret place. He opened up his window, looking at Jerusalem, knowing where his help comes from. Our help comes from the Lord. Our help comes from the maker of heaven and earth. And Daniel got on his knees in the secret room, in the secret place. And Daniel began praying, not once, not twice, but three times.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says that Daniel began praying. Oh, but when we start praying, don't you think for one minute that the enemy is sitting back? No, he's trying to rank up his demons, he's trying to bring false testimony. The Bible says that because the three could not conspire against Daniel in the kingdom, he went after Daniel's moral and ethical being. He went over and they tried to dismay Daniel by attacking his moral and his ethical standards. But when it comes to the law of God, when we pray in the secret place, god will fight on our behalf because he is Jehovah Nessie. And when we place our circumstances in the hands of God, god will do what he does best, and that is that he will make sure that, in the end, our enemies are the ones that will stay with the shame. There were three lions father, son and the Holy Spirit with Daniel. The Bible says that Daniel was released and King Darius gave honor and glory to God for saving Daniel. After Daniel came out of the lions, then they all were devoured by the same lions that God used to save Daniel by not having Daniel eaten, were the very same lions that were reserved for those who conspired against Daniel. So, as we see here, we see that God saves with a mighty hand.

Speaker 1:

You and I don't have to worry at all about who tries to rise up, what enemy tries to rise up, because, remember, do what Daniel did. When there are those who rise up and try to contend with us and try to knock down our moral and ethical standards, in Christ Jesus, we need to go to our secret place and we need to pray and we need to ask God to have mercy and grace upon our lives and also upon the lives of those who try to rise up, because, remember, our war is not against flesh and blood and God is the only one who can take vengeance, because God is the only one who could see into the future and he knows the danger that lies within the parameters of our reach and he is the only one who is able to make a way. But we, as daughters and sons of the Most High God, we are to run into the secret place and we are to look, alleluia, from the hills and say from where does my help come from. My help comes from the maker of heaven and earth, and there is nothing that the enemy can do or say that will ever take me away. Because if God wanted to, he could have easily had those lions devour Daniel. But it was Daniel's integrity, it was Daniel standing up for the ethical and moral laws of God, that caused Daniel to sleep peacefully throughout the night, as God protected him even in the lion's den and the lions that were meant to devour Daniel. God caused the ones who conspired to fall into that den and become eaten by the very same lions. So we don't have to fear the enemy. The enemy must fear us when we take a bold stand and we stand up for the moral and ethical laws of God.

Speaker 1:

I pray and I hope that this message has blessed you in so many ways. I need you to understand that God is with you. God is fighting your battles and he is for you and never against us. If you don't know who Jesus is, I urge you to seek him and I pray that you will have that tangible encounter with him. Yes, today, today is the day of salvation. Today is the day that God is calling you to accept his son, jesus Christ and what Jesus did on the cross for you and for me, because through Jesus we have eternal life. Without Jesus we will be eternally separated from God.

Speaker 1:

But God is giving you the opportunity right now to repeat this prayer and simply say Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I come to you and I repent of my sins, I turn away from them.

Speaker 1:

I can no longer bear the weight of my own sins and I give them to you. I believe with all my heart that you died for me on the cross. You rose again on the third day to give me life in abundance, eternally. And I just pray that my name is written in the Lamb's book of life, because I too want to inherit the kingdom of God and I need you and I know that through your blood have now become a daughter or a son of the most high God and I thank you for that. Thank you, jesus, in your precious name. I pray Amen. If you said that prayer, welcome into the family of God. There is nothing more important in this earth than to serve the Lord, jesus Christ, with all of your heart, with all your soul and with all your spirit. I pray that God continues to speak to us in a supernatural way until the next time. Bye-bye for today.