Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Igniting Faith: Unveiling the Lion of Judah, the Trials of Matthew 16:21, and the Divine Journey of Perseverance and Prayer

Melissa Garcia Episode 60

Can you feel the fire? Can you hear the roar of the Lion of Judah, ready to rise on behalf of His children? This is a message that will spark a divine flame within you, fueling your faith through every trial and tribulation you may face. You'll navigate through the empowering chapters of the Book of Matthew, specifically the teachings of chapter 16, verse 21, where we unmask the adversary and focus on the path God has laid out for us. 

Today, let's not cower in the face of adversity, but rise, knowing that every mountain and valley encountered is purposefully designed to propel us to greater heights. We explore the significance of humility, prayer, and perseverance in our spiritual journey. Remember, no matter how stormy the seas may be, Jesus is in your boat. He never leaves or forsakes you. So, buckle up for a supernatural shift, because you're about to leap into your most remarkable season yet! Don’t let anyone dampen your spirit, because this process, this divine journey, is yours to behold, and no one else’s. Now, prepare the way for the Lord. Let’s rise and roar!

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone. The lion of Judah has risen, is with us, he is roaring and he is ready to send forth his message to all who will hear the message of redemption. It is 10 am, september 27, 2023, and you better know it. I'm back with another message. I know that, for these times that we are living in, the enemy is trying to raise mayhem within the body of Christ. But only those who seek the Lord in spirit and in truth, who seek the Lord in the secret place, who spend time with the lion of Judah, those who take their time to want to know and breathe revelation from God's own throne room, are those whom God is raising up, and because of that, the enemy is roaring about like a lion seeking whom he may devour. But the word of God says to me that if we submit to God and resist the devil, the devil will flee. Hallelujah, I got a message this morning that is going to bring hope into your life. I need somebody right now. I don't know where you are. You could be at your job, you could be at school, you could be in your home. You're in this podcast. I need you to tell somebody you're not going to stop the process that God is putting me through, because the process, it means that I'm going to new heights. It means that I'm going to new levels, it means that new doors are opening for me, it means that I'm going to new dimensions, it means that I'm going to the supernatural realm, and there is nothing that you can do to stop the process that is before me.

Speaker 1:

This morning I want to read from the book of Matthew, chapter 16, starting with verse 21. The word of God says from that time, jesus began to show to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised on the third day. Then Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying Far be it from you, lord, this shall not happen to you. But he turned and said to Peter Get behind me, satan, you are an offense to me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men. Come on now somebody.

Speaker 1:

I need you to tell two or three people. Tell them I love you, but you're not going to stop the process that I'm in, because the process that I am in and I'm going through right now, it's for a greater purpose. It's designed for a greater purpose. Not even though I may not understand it, but I know my God knows, because he has predestined my life. And if God has predestined my life, that means that whatever I face, whatever I go through, whoever rises up, whoever tries to talk, whoever tries to bring false accusations, it will not prevail, because just as Jesus completed his mission and Jesus lives within us, so we too will have to go through the fire, so we too will have to go through high waters, so you and I are going to have to face persecution, so you and I are going to be called different types of names. But I can tell you this you need to let Satan know you're not going to stop me from going into my process. You're not going to stop me from coming out of my process, because God has called me to do far greater works than I could have ever imagined, which is why Satan uses people to try and derail us from fulfilling the calling.

Speaker 1:

As you noticed here in the scriptures, jesus did not rebuke Peter. Jesus rebuke Satan because even Satan knew that Jesus needed to come to die a horrific death on the cross and be resurrected to life again, so that you and I would inherit eternal salvation. So again, I wanna encourage you this morning don't let anybody stop the process that God is putting you through. If you're going through fire, jesus is with you. If you're going through high waters, jesus is with you. If you're crossing the desert, jesus is with you. If you're climbing the mountain from the valley, jesus is with you. He will never leave you, nor will he forsake you.

Speaker 1:

We need to get a holy indignation to rise within us that when the enemy tries to use people to try and bring false accusations, to try and lift up false testimony, you need to go to your secret place and you need to warn the spirit and you need to humble yourself before God and from your humble state of mind, god will raise you up with authority and those who tried to derail the purpose and the process that you were going through, they're gonna have to see God raise you up, because when God puts you through the process, he is faithful to see you out of it. What God has begun in his children, he is faithful to complete it to the very end. Oh, I hope this has encouraged you. I need you to know something that the lion of Judah rises off of his throne, oh hallelujah, when he sees one of his little lambs being threatened by the enemy and by the kingdom of darkness, the lion of Judah rises up on our behalf, because he also goes by the name of Jehovah Nisi, and he will stop at nothing to defend his children and he will defend us with a right, righteous hand, because our God is righteous, our God is holy, and only God has the power to do what only God can do. So you keep praying, you keep believing and you keep going through your process, because you are about to walk into your greatest season.

Speaker 1:

Yet Until the next time, bye-bye. For today, let's go hero. Prepare the way, prepare the way of the Lord. Prepare the way, prepare the way of the Lord. Prepare the way, prepare the way of the Lord.