Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Unraveling the Divine Wisdom: The Book of Romans, the Power of God's Righteousness, and the Embrace of Jesus' Saving Grace

Melissa Garcia Episode 58

Are you ready to unwrap the divine wisdom found in the book of Romans and understand the true essence of God's righteousness? Tune in to my podcast episode where the Holy spirit will help us navigate these profound truths. As the Holy Spirit illuminates the path to salvation, underlining how it's not our deeds, but the grace and faith in Jesus Christ that justifies us, with a deep dive into Christ's ultimate sacrifice, this message from God will surely shed light on how faith helps us understand and wholeheartedly accept the Gospel. 

Need a dose of hope and reassurance?  The second part of this episode is a beacon of encouragement, exploring the importance of seeking Jesus and embracing His remarkable saving grace. We all need the grace of God, and this message of hope will reinforce this belief emphatically. So, join me in this enlightening journey through faith and hope; it's truly a testament to God's unfaltering love and mercy.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, sister Melissa, I'm back with another message. I'm excited because our God is wonderful, beautiful, holy, majestic and so much more than our minds can comprehend. This message that the Lord has placed on my heart to relay to everyone who will eventually hear this podcast, or has tuned into this podcast, or later on in the future you will hear this podcast. I want you to know that, with God, there are no accidents. With God, there are no coincidences. With God, though, there is always purpose and meaning. With God, all things are possible.

Speaker 1:

It is 10 am, September 20th 2023, and the message from the Lord comes from the book of Romans, and the word of God reads like this but now the righteousness of God, apart from the law, is revealed, being witnessed by the law and the prophets. Given the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe for there is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Where is boasting, then? Is it excluded? By what law Of works? No, but by the law of faith. Therefore, we conclude that a man is justified by faith, apart from the deeds of the law? Or is he the God of the Jews only? Is he not also the God of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also, since there is one God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith, do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not. On the contrary, we establish the law. Hallelujah, praise the Lord, god.

Speaker 1:

Almighty, father, god, in this very moment, I just pray, lord, for everyone who will hear this message. I pray over their lives that you will open their spiritual ears to hear what it is you are saying to us all. In this day and in this season that we are in, I pray that you open our spiritual eyes to see farther than we could have ever imagined. I pray that you, lord, father, god, begin to minister to my heart, begin to minister to my spirit, because I can't do this without you. You are the very essence of why we are here, because you paid a high price, jesus on the cross, to save us from our sins. And it is by faith that we raise our voices and proclaim the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ. So, father, I just pray, lord, father, god, that your message goes out through the sound waves and it penetrates within the hearts and the minds and the spirit and the souls of those, lord, father God, whom you have predestined to receive the message of redemption you died on the cross so that we all would not perish but have everlasting life. It is by faith that we believe that you died and rose again to save us, and everything that you have accomplished and have fulfilled. It is for us to inherit eternal salvation when we receive the gift that you have given us of eternal life. So, father, I pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and amen.

Speaker 1:

God is so wonderful and he always speaks to us when we need a word from him, in and out of season, when we are in the stillness of our prayer time, when we are praying, when we are in church, when we are at home, whether we're driving or whether we're in the bed, god speaks to us. The Holy Spirit always has a word for us and no matter the season that we are in, the Holy Spirit will always speak truth into our soul. Why is this? This is because every single waking moment of our lives should be dedicated to seeking the Lord, because God has a mission for our lives, the one thing that God wants us to first and foremost understand that there is not one person on this planet who is without sin. Every single one of us have fallen short of the glory of God, which means that it doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor, whether you are unrecognizable or you are recognized by the public. We all need Jesus, we all need His saving grace. It does not matter what culture you come from, it does not matter what society says about you and about me, because the bottom line is we all need Jesus and we all need to confess our sins before the Holy One, who has the power to wash us and cleanse us and purify us and sanctify us and redeem us from the hands of the evil, one who wants to kill, steal and destroy everything that God has died and rose again for us to inherit.

Speaker 1:

And so, when I was reading Romans, chapter 3, I felt led by the Holy Spirit to remind someone out there that you may think you are too far gone, but God says you are never too far gone for my presence, to reach down and rescue you. You have meaning and purpose on God's righteous path, and everything that you and I could ever do on this earth has already been paid for in full with the blood of Jesus. He's not looking for us to go out and show him how much works we can do. He's not looking for us to go into the world and then tell God this is what I've done for you and the kingdom, so I deserve this. That's not how the kingdom of God operates. One day, jesus in the grave rose on the third day. And when he rose on the third day he held captivity and he gave us gifts and talents.

Speaker 1:

So through Jesus Christ not on our own terms, but through Christ, with the help of the Holy Spirit spirit, to accomplish not our will but the will of God. And what is the will of God for our lives? It is to believe in the only begotten Son of God, who is Jesus Christ, that through Jesus Christ we can obtain salvation and walk in that victory that Jesus Christ has won for us to walk in every single day of our lives. That is the reason why, in the book of Romans, paul says even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe. But there is no difference.

Speaker 1:

Sin is sin and every single one of us have fallen short of the glory of God being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. The redemption cannot be redemption unless somebody goes before us and redeems what we have lost. And the one who came over 2,000 years ago to redeem for us what we lost, his name is Jesus Christ, and through him, and only through Jesus Christ, can we be justified. And if we are washed in the blood of Jesus, that when God sees us he doesn't see us for the works that we do, he sees us for the blood that was shed on Calvary's cross, and through that blood we are justified and made righteous through Jesus Christ, hallelujah. And the reason why this is so is because not one of us on this planet was able to live out the Ten Commandments. And so, by faith, we have to believe that, although we were not able to live out the Ten Commandments, that there was one who is perfect, there is one who never sinned, and there is one who became the sacrificial lamb, the spotless lamb, to redeem us, so that, after we receive Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, we can walk by faith and not by sight.

Speaker 1:

The first confession when we pray is God, I cannot, but you certainly can. I am a sinner. Jesus, I need you to cover me in your blood. I need you to save me from my own ways because I, by faith, believe that we are justified not by our works but by the blood of the Lamb, who came to redeem us and to give us a brand new life. And through you, jesus, by faith, I know that everything that you have accomplished on the cross you have set me free. In believing that I cannot get to heaven through my works, because my works are like filthy rags, oh. But your blood washes me clean, your blood purifies me, your blood sanctifies me. And by faith, I choose to believe that my redemption, it draws near. Cause Jesus paid a high price for me to walk by faith and not by sight, for me to be hallelujah, justified by the blood of Jesus, hallelujah. Thank you, lord, for your message. I pray that this has blessed your heart and I pray that the Lord continues to work in and through you.

Speaker 1:

I know it gets difficult at times because sometimes we wanna do so much for the kingdom of God, we wanna be on fire, we wanna be radical for the kingdom of God, and there's nothing wrong with that. But when we place our works before the redemption that only Christ died on the cross to give us, and when we try to justify ourselves through the works that we have done thus far for the kingdom of God, it will not hold up in the day of judgment. It will not hold up when we are face to face with our Creator, cause the only thing that God is going to require of us is what we have done through the blood of Jesus and through his redemption, because it all starts at the cross. We cannot work our way to the cross, we cannot work our way to the kingdom of God. We must surrender our lives and we must walk by faith, knowing that the only one who has the power to sustain us and has already finished the works is Jesus Christ, and through him we continue walking by faith, in knowing that everything we do on this earth is to the glory and to the honor of our Lord and Savior, jesus Christ, cause he is the only worthy lamb who was slain since the foundations of the world were laid down.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, I pray that this message has blessed your heart, as it has blessed the minister to mine. Seek Jesus. He's more closer to you than you could ever imagine. Until the next time. Bye, bye for today. He washed it white as snow. He washed it white as snow.