Melissa Garcia's Podcast

Forerunner for Christ: Journeying through Faith, Surrender, and the Modern Influence of John the Baptist

Melissa Garcia Episode 55

Unearth the profound significance of being a forerunner for Jesus Christ and the power of surrendering your life to Him in this soul-stirring discourse. I, Sister Melissa, am here to share a divine revelation I received a decade ago about being a modern-day John the Baptist. We'll trek through the path of faith and repentance, examining the teachings of this biblical prophet and how it applies to our contemporary world. I invite you to join this reflective journey where we delve into the complexities of faith, understand the power of Christ's love and appreciate the salvation His sacrifice offers.

Are you weighed down by struggles and burdens? Fear not, for we'll confront these challenges together, armed with the power of prayer and the liberating blood of Jesus. Listen as the Holy Spirit brings about a transformational journey of relinquishing our lives back to Christ, and the miraculous works of the Holy Spirit in bringing us closer to God. Together, we'll discover how God, in His infinite wisdom, can turn what the enemy meant for evil into good for God's glory. So, come along and immerse yourself in this spiritual exploration of truth, faith, and divine salvation.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, sister Melissa here, I am here, and I am back with another message from the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who is always here to lead us into all truth, to guide us, to show us the way unto salvation, through what Jesus Christ has done for us on the cross, enabling us to now become followers of faith, knowing that when we place our trust in Jesus Christ and tell the world about a love so rich, so profound, so deep, that it will cause them to want what one day you and I, when we came to the cross, received the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross for us to inherit eternal life. And one day, when we leave this earth, we will be face to face with our Father, with the Creator of heaven and earth, all because the love of Jesus was greater than anything we could ever face in this life. This morning it is 10 am, it is September 14, 2023 and I am back with another message, and this message is found in the book of Mark, chapter 1, and the word of God reads like this the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as it is written in the prophets behold, I send my messenger before your face who will prepare your way? Before you, the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make his path straight.

Speaker 1:

John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. Then all the land of Judea and those from Jerusalem went out to him and were all baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins. Now John was clothed with camel's hair and with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locus and wild honey and he preached, saying there comes one after me who is mightier than I, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to stoop down and loose. I indeed baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Dear Lord, right now I just pray for those, lord, father, god, who are hearing this podcast under the sound of my voice. I pray over their lives, holy Spirit, that you will illuminate their understanding, that you, lord, father, will open their spiritual eyes to see the truth and their spiritual ears to hear your word, father, because it is your word that sets us free, it is your word that gives us life, it is your word that allows us to understand what Jesus Christ has done for us on the cross. So, father God, I pray that from this podcast, you will begin, lord, father, to restore hearts that were broken, that you will begin to transform lives, lord, father God, that have been bound by Satan's lies thus far. I pray, lord, father God, that you, lord, break every chain of bondage. Hallelujah, because you are the chain breaker, jesus. There is power in your name, jesus, there is power in your name to break every generational curse. There is power in your name, lord, father God, to do the impossible in the lives of those who may be facing addiction right now. I'm just praying over their lives, right now, lord, and I speak the name of Jesus over their lives. I declare the blood of Jesus over their circumstances, whatever they may be facing. Father, be there with them, lord, let them feel your embrace right now, lord, father God, let them feel, lord, father God, the embrace of your touch, lord, surrounding them right now, lord, let it become so tangible that they will become hallelujah, drawn to the cross, and there they will find redemption, there they will find healing, there they will find restoration for their soul. Father, I thank you, hallelujah, for hearing this prayer, and I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

Speaker 1:

It was about, let me say, probably nine, 10 years ago that I was working in motherhood maternity, and I was pregnant at the time and I brought my Bible to my job because when I had downtime, I would read the Bible and I would take notes and I would just write whatever the Holy Spirit placed on my heart to write. And I remember that there was this one topic that the Holy Spirit downloaded into my spirit, and at the time I really didn't understand why I was writing this, whether it was a message or it was just something that the Holy Spirit was giving me to write down. But I heard the words loud and clear in the core of my spirit, and the word that God gave me was forerunner. And so I began to look up the word forerunner, and it simply means that it is something that goes before, something, or someone who will continue doing what we have first begun. And so I started reading the book of Mark and God told me I'm looking for forerunners who are going to go out into the world and do exactly what John the Baptist did.

Speaker 1:

And what did John the Baptist do? John the Baptist preached repentance. He preached a heart that would repent because Jesus Christ was coming to not only save us, but to show us how to live the life that we were all intended to live with God Almighty. And so Jesus is the one who goes before us. He is mightier than anything that is on this earth, in this earth, under the earth and above the earth, because our Jesus is mighty to save. But before he can save, there has to be a calling. And who is the one that is going to do that calling? It is the forerunners, whom God has chosen to go into the world and preach repentance for our sins, repentance so that we can see God Almighty through what Jesus Christ has done on the cross.

Speaker 1:

And so, as I was reading this, I felt from the Holy Spirit. Today, this morning, the Holy Spirit brought me back to that moment when I was writing everything the Holy Spirit had me write almost 10 years ago, and so now I'm understanding that God will give us a message, he will download something into our spirit, but it does not necessarily mean that it's gonna come to pass quickly. It could be years before God says now is the time that I need you to unleash the word that I gave to you years ago. And so, as I was reading the word of God this morning, he let me know that this is the appointed time that I am going to use you to shout into the world. Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight, cause I am coming back soon, says the Lord. Jesus Christ, oh hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

The Holy Spirit is wanting us to come back to the heart of worship that, no matter what we face, no matter our dark seasons, no matter in the stillness of the night, but we will always treasure the word of God in our hearts to know that the works that Jesus has done on this earth he said it when he was on the cross it is finished, because everything that we will ever need in this life is found in Jesus Christ. Now Jesus says to us who know what Jesus has done for us what I need you to do now, says the Lord, is I need you to go into the world and tell people about my love, tell people about the restoration that I bring, tell people about the supernatural encounters that they too can have. I need forerunners on this path. I need people like John the Baptist to go into the world and preach repentance for the remission of sins, cause I am coming back on. Just like I came over 2000 years ago and I completed my mission on this earth, so I will come back for a second time to complete the ultimate mission, the mission that is, overall, that I am coming back for my bride and I am coming back to put an end to all sin. I am coming back to destroy every single works of the enemy, because his kingdom has already fallen.

Speaker 1:

When I, jesus Christ, defeated Satan at the cross, and now I have launched my prophets, I have launched my apostles, I have launched my teachers, I have launched pastors, I have launched my evangelists to go into the world and be forerunners for the kingdom of God. Oh hallelujah, thank you, jesus, because your word always comes at the appointed time that our souls need to. Hallelujah, hear what it is you are saying, lord. Hallelujah, I thank you, jesus. Those who have ears hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying. God is looking for forerunners who will not back down but will stand up, will rise up and say to the nations repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, because Jesus is coming back soon. Repent so you too can inherit the salvation that Christ died on the cross to give you.

Speaker 1:

Oh hallelujah. Thank you, my Lord, jesus, christ, lord, we pray for mercy and grace, lord, father God, to spread like wildfire in every nation. Father God, we need you. Lord, father God, there are so many who are perishing without knowledge, and it's not any knowledge, it is the knowledge of the cross. We need the knowledge of the cross to set us free free, oh, lord Jesus, I pray that you continue to raise up more and more Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Evangelists and prophets and pastors and preachers who will preach Hallelujah Conform to what your word says, not conform to what their circumstances are saying. Lord, father God, in you is the truth, the way and the life. You are the Christ and we are your forerunners. Father God, use us for your honor and for your glory. Jesus, I thank you, lord, I thank you, jesus. You are worthy of all praises.

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I pray that this has blessed your soul and if you don't know who Jesus is, I encourage you this morning to cry out to God and simply say God, if you are here, I need you and I surrender.

Speaker 1:

I give you my life, I lay my life down at your feet. I believe that you died for me on the cross and I believe that you are Savior of the world and I confess to you that I am a sinner and I need you to save my soul, and I'm gonna trust you and follow you from here on out. It's just that simple, friend. If you have not come to know who God is, it first comes with surrendering your life at the foot of the cross into the hands of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit will take a presidency in you. Yes, and it's that simple, and God will begin to turn everything that the enemy meant for evil. God will turn it around for the greater good of his honor and his glory. I pray this has blessed your heart and your soul as it has blessed mine. Until the next time, bye. Bye for today.